Part 9

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Summary: Y/N and his friends encounter Professor Snape for the first time during their first Potions lesson, who was extremely hostile towards Harry. When they went to Hagrid's hut for tea, Harry notices the newspaper article regarding the Gringotts break-in which occurred on the day he went to Diagon Alley for the first time with the half-giant.

That night, majority of the first years were wide awake and extremely excited. After all, they were going to have flying lessons tomorrow! Ron and Harry were the most excited out of the quintet as they talked about finally being able to learn to fly on a broom.

Y/N wasn't sure about the whole flying lesson. Flying on brooms? That was literally what pictures of stereotypical Muggle witches were believed to do apart from summoning familiars from magic circles and stirring cauldrons filled with strange and disgusting ingredients.

Besides, flying on a broom was a foreign concept to Y/N. He didn't know what to make of it as he'd flown before. Just not on a broom. He had shocked everyone at the orphanage by using his magic to levitate himself into the air. In fact, a pair of sturdy wings had also materialized from his back, enabling him to soar into the air like an eagle, much like an airborne being. And because of that, he'd taken the children on rides in the air every now and then.

It must have been 3am in the morning before Ron and Harry finally fell asleep.

The next day, Y/N noticed the immediate change in the mood. When he went down to the Common room, most of the first year students were awake and crowding around a noticeboard that had a piece of paper pinned to it.

Flying lessons will be starting on Thursday.
Gryffindor and Slytherin will be learning together.

"What's wrong, man?" Ron asked as he, Harry and Neville came down. Hermione joined in a few minutes later.

"Apparently we're having flying lessons with the Slytherins." Harry pointed at the noticeboard. Ron nearly spat out blood at that statement. He rushed forward to look at the noticeboard to check if he heard correctly. When it was true, he slumped down to the floor, his excitement and anticipation at the flying lessons all flew out of the window.

"You've got to be kidding! We have lessons with the slimy snakes at almost every subject! Can't we get a break from having to see those snakes somehow?"

"On the brighter side, at least we get to learn how to fly." Harry tried to find the right words to comfort his best friend somehow, which miraculously worked as Ron visibly perked up at the sound of that.

On the other hand, both Neville and Hermione were incredibly tense about the idea of flying. Hermione even borrowed Quidditch Through the Ages from one of the seniors to read up on.

Right at that moment, Y/N felt something enter his mind and closed his eyes. Instantly, he was flooded with images of students including himself and his friends wearing robes inlaid with red and gold facing another batch of students wearing robes with green and silver accents. There were broomsticks lying on the ground next to them, which was a sure sign of flying lessons. No doubt it was this afternoon's flying lesson as Ron still had a bit of dirt on his right face as he'd seen this morning.

A woman with short silver and yellow eyes came in. Y/N assumed that she was their flying instructor, since she told them to hold their right hand over the brooms and get them to fly into their hands with a simple command.

An image showed Neville flying about wildly, clearly unable to control his broom. He suddenly fell off his broom and broke his wrist. He teared up as he was quickly brought to the infirmary by Madam Hooch who threw a warning to everyone, threatening with expulsion if anyone were to attempt to fly without her permission.

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