〔Oh my love〕

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I searched for Hanzo, to take his card. I spotted him in the distance, he was watching three other participants, they seemed like brothers. He had activated Zetsu, so I assumed that his target was one of those three. I activated Zetsu and went closer to get a better look.

I spotted Killua, he was fighting the brothers. Killua took them out easily and they ran away. He had all of their cards. He put one in his pocket and threw the other two in opposite directions.

He threw them very far away. Hanzo started running after one of the cards. I ran too, but faster to be able to get the card before him. 'Let's just hope this one is his card'.

I managed to arrive before him and take the card. "Why hello there you little sneaky mouse. Can you give the card or else I might need to force it," Hanzo said smirking. "I'd like to see you try". I held up the card and said, "Why don't we make an agreement?" "What is it?" He asked.

I started walking towards him and stopped once I got close enough. I made sure not to be that close, in case he tried to make a move. "Why don't you give me your card and I give this to you?".

He started laughing, "Look sweat heart, I don't really like this little agreement of yours. Why don't we change it a little," He said and smirked. "Maybe, what's your suggestion?" I asked.

He came even closer to me, I didn't move to show him that I wasn't scared of him in any way. "Let me have you and you'll get to keep that card". I kept a straight face and answered,

"I have no interest in you. We could agree on what I said or I'm taking yours myself". "Is that so pretty face? I'd love to fight you and maybe do something more afterward," he winked.

I threw a knife at him but he caught it in time. "I'm a ninja you know. I'm good with knives," he said. "Maybe, but not as good as me," I threw another one at him he caught it again.

He chuckled, "Are you going to keep doing this?" "Not anymore," I said and pointed at the knife that was almost stabbing him. He tried to react, but he was too late. It stabbed his leg and he screamed in pain.

"You little bitch, how'd you?" He asked. "While you were distracted with that one knife I threw at you, I concealed another knife's presence with Zetsu and threw it."

"Well, impressive, but I don't think that'll do much. Since it only stabbed me in the leg," he said smiling "Oh calm down there. Don't be so sure. That knife contains poison. You'll be paralyzed in no time and won't be able to walk for at least a whole day. Oh, and you might faint".

"Why you little-" He stopped as I appeared behind him holding a knife at his neck. "You better behave or I'll cut you," I said in his ear.

"You know, as much as you're annoying, you're hot and you turn me on". I kicked his back and he fell over. I crouched down and got his card. Just when I was about to walk away, I turned around and said,

"Tch... Pathetic..."

I threw the card he was trying to get hold of on his face and walked away. "FUCK THIS ISN'T EVEN MY CARD!" He yelled.


I found a place to hide since it was dark and I was tired. I could've just gone to the place where everyone who's done goes. That would've been better since fewer people are waiting near that place to hunt people down for their cards.

But I was very tired and didn't want to walk all the way to the other side of the island. All I wanted was to sleep and that's what I was planning on doing.

♡𝙸 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚊 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞♡ (Hisoka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now