〔The unforgiven〕

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I woke up to the bright sun blinding my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I checked if the cards were still with me. Luckily they were. The person that got my number still hasn't come to take my card.

I started walking to the other side of the Island where people were waiting for the ones that are done with the fourth phase. I felt someone watching me, they were using Zetsu, but they weren't good. I could sense them almost perfectly.

They were behind the bushes, possibly an adult given their height. Their footsteps were slow and steady, not wanting to get caught. I stopped and crouched down, acting like I was tying my shoes. They stopped too, I quickly threw a knife where they were at.

"OW!" I walked over to them. I saw a guy laying on the ground screaming in pain. I smiled and said, "You're a sneaky one, aren't you?" The knife had hit him in his lower abdomen. He was bleeding heavily.

"YOU BITCH!" He yelled. "Now now now, who's the real bitch here? Weren't you the one trying to take me out or am I just delusional?" I crouched down and looked down at him. "Filthy pig," I said and stood up.

I walked away leaving the bleeding man behind. 'He'll die in a few minutes'.

I successfully came to the place where I was supposed to be. I looked around and saw Kurapika and Leorio. Kurapika waved at me signaling me to come over. I walked towards them. "Hey Y/N!" "Hi". "Who was your target?" Kurapika asked. "It was this ninja guy called, Hanzo".

"I see... Isn't that him?" He said pointing at him. "Yes". "Nee-san!" Gon yelled from behind and ran towards me. He jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and looked at him, he looked sad. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's nothing". "You can tell me whatever is on your mind".

"Fine". I put him down and took his hand. We walked somewhere more private. "I'm all ears," I said. "It's just..." He showed me the card he got.

My eyes widened 'Did something happen to Hisoka? that's his'. "You got Hisoka's card?" "I did, well kind of. He gave it to me. So I don't think it was fair and I don't feel like I deserve to move on to the next phase". He looked down.

I put my hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Listen, if Hisoka gave it to you, believe me, there's a reason behind it.

Why would a murderous magician give his card to a 12-year-old, right? I'm pretty sure he gave it to you because you are worth it and he sees that too. Don't let yourself down, okay?" I hugged him.

"Okay, Nee-san. Thank you," He said and hugged back. "Now let's go back to the others". He held my hand as we walked back. When we came, we saw Killua talking to Leorio and Kurapika. Killua turned around and looked at us. "There you are, Gon". "Hi!" Gon said and ran towards his friend.

Killua approached me, "Can we talk?" He asked. "Sure," I said and we walked away. "What is it?" I asked. "It's about Gon. Are you his sister or something?" "No. We just met at the first phase". "But why would you care so much about him? He's not your brother or anything, you just met him".

"True, he just resembles my Little brother, that's why". "Oh, where is your brother? If I may ask". "He died 16 years ago. He was 6 years old and I was 10," I said. "Oh, I'm very sorry. Now I understand perfectly why you care so much about him. I just have one more question". "What is it?"

"What's your surname because there was this girl my brother was talking about and you are very similar to her," He said. "Are you a Zoldyck?" I asked hoping he'd say no. "I am, why?"

"Don't tell anyone, it's L/N. I wouldn't have told you if you weren't a Zoldyck". His eyes widened "You are that assassin my brother was talking about. You both were supposed to get married but you ran away. To be honest I'd want you to be my older sister".

"I ran away because I hate my last name. I also hate the Zoldyck family, I would never get married to that scum". "I understand, I hate them too, but I'm a Zoldyck too, does that mean you hate me too?" He asked looking down.

I hugged him and he flinched at the touch. "No, I see myself in you. I hated my family and so I ran away. It isn't your fault to be born in such a family".

He hugged me back. I heard him crying. I pulled him away to look him in the eyes. It was full of tears. "Killua?" "Thank you so much, Nee-san". My eyes widened, he didn't seem like the person to call me that. I understand Gon, but Killua?

I hugged him again. "Listen Killua, if you ever need someone feel free to call me, okay? I'll always be here for you".

He tightened his grip around me and said, "T-thank you, b-but why a-are you d-doing this? A-aren't you an a-assassin?" "I am, but you two have gained a soft spot in my heart". He started crying even louder.

I pulled back again and wiped his tears. I Kissed his cheek and looked him in the eyes. I saw a tint of red forming on his face. I smiled. "I'll be here for you". He hugged me really tight and we stayed like that for a while until he was ready to let go. 

"I should probably go see Gon," He said breaking the hug apart. "Yes, you should," I said and waved at him.

He waved back and started walking away. "You really like my little brother don't you?" Illumi asked from behind. "He's nice, unlike you. It only sucks for him to be born in the same family as you, I pity him for that".

Illumi ran towards me and pinned me on the tree.

He came close to my face and said, "You don't get to talk about my family like that. You'll soon be a Zoldyck too, so watch your mouth". "Is that so? I'd like to see you try". He squeezed my thigh "I said watch your mouth". I pushed him away and said,

"I will never forgive your family..."


I will remember and recover,
Not forgive and forget...

♡𝙸 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚊 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞♡ (Hisoka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now