Chapter 1: New Places and Perspectives

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"Oh my God, Bo! We're gonna miss you so much!" My best friends: Claire, Hailey, Kaitlyn, and Tori screamed, giving me a big hug.

"I know! I'll miss you guys too! I can't believe I'm going to England for two months! But it's about time that I've seen Harry. It's been like five years."

When I was six, my mother and father got a divorce. My dad took me and we moved to Santa Cruz, California in the United States. My mom took my brother, Harry, and they stayed in Holmes Chapel. It's been eleven years since I've been to England and almost five years since I've seen my brother. I was planning on visiting last summer before school started, but things started to get a little crazy once Harry auditioned for The X-Factor. He formed a band with four other contestants and they became the overnight hit, One Direction. I'm still pretty worried about all of the celebrity craziness, especially his stupid band-mates I've heard way to much about, but it'll be worth it as long as I get to see my little Hazz. 

"So what time does your flight leave?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Four so we'd better get to the airport," I said. I gave Tori and Hailey big hugs and then got into Claire's car with Kaitlyn.

"Okay, Ash, you better not forget about us while you're in England. Call us every day!" Claire yelled at me from the front seat as we pulled into the drop-off of the airport. 

"Yeah! I'm dying to hear about what it's like to live with One Direction!" Kaitlyn squealed.     

"I will!" I laughed as they helped my get my bags out of the car. We were setting the last bag down when we heard the loud speaker announcing that flight 381 to London was beginning to board.

"That's you, guess you'd better go. We are going to miss you like crazy! Have a great time!" Claire said trying to stay happy. 

"See you soon, Bo!" Kaitlyn winked at me as I walked away. I knew what she meant, but I wasn't bothered to think about that right now.

I went through security and I got to the gate just in time for boarding. I found a nice window seat and lucky for me, the flight wasn't fully booked so I got to sit alone. As the plane took off, I took a last look down at California. I was going to miss it, but I'd be back soon. I decided that because it was such a long flight that I would watch a couple movies. I slipped my favorite movie; She's the Man, into my computer and started to watch it. I was about halfway through the movie when I started to get really sleepy. I closed my laptop and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of a way too perky flight attendant saying that we were going to land soon. I looked out my window: complete darkness. But then again, it was almost four in the morning. I grabbed my phone and I texted Harry telling him that we were about to land. I waited for him to text back for about five minutes until the flight attendant made me turn my phone off. Once we landed, I turned it back on: 1 New Message From Harry Styles

We're here. Meet us by the baggage claim. - Harry

I stepped off the plane and thanked the pilots for the nice flight. It had been a long time since I'd been in the London airport. Where was the baggage claim anyway? I found a security guard and he pointed in the direction of the claims. I headed to the closest one, hoping it was where Harry was. I stood around for a couple minutes checking my phone constantly. I still had no idea where my brother was, but I did figure out that I was at the right baggage claim to pick up my bags at. I was about to text Harry when someone grabbed me from behind.                                                                   

"Boo" the voice said.

"Harry! You scared me! Oh my God I'm so happy to see you!" I yelled as I turned around and gave him a big hug. 

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