Chapter 33: First Impressions

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"Dad? What.. what are you doing here? Oh my God, you're actually here!" I smiled and he ran over to me, engulfing me in a big, long awaited hug. He was dressed in his navy blue uniform, complete with badges and a hat covering his short blonde hair. I looked a lot more like my dad than my mom: blonde hair, blue eyes, and other matching features that were supposedly very apparent.

I was still in complete shock: my dad was here? When did this happen? Why didn't he call me? Does he know that I have cancer? Does he know about Louis? Oh God, he walked in on Louis and I making out. Way to make a good impression.

"The carrier is stopped down at the bay for a few days before we head out to Pearl Harbor, so I had to come see you! Gosh Bo, you've grown up so much and its only been what, six months?" he smiled, hugging me again.

"Nine, actually. But anyways, you're seriously staying for the next few days? That's awesome!" I was so excited. I missed my dad so much, and now he was finally home. Too bad I was stuck in this stupid hospital.

"Yeah, and I already talked to your mom and brother about this but, the captain is letting you all come aboard the carrier for a few days to check everything out. Do you want to go?"

"Of course I do! That sounds amazing!" I had never really seen or paid much attention to my dad's job. He was a fighter pilot in the Navy. He had always loved to fly, but mom was constantly reminding him of how dangerous it was and he never got to do it back in England. I guess that is one of the reasons why they split.

"Great, you, your mother, Harry, and his band mates are all invited. We can board tomorrow."

"Cool, but Dad, you do realize that I'm stuck in this hospital for like the rest of the year, right?" I gestured to the wires and monitors behind me.

"Yes, I do, Bo. And I already talked to your doctor. Since you don't have your next treatment session until Friday, you're allowed out of here for the rest of the week. He said that if you are feeling up to it, you may leave tomorrow."

"Really? That's awesome, did you hear that Louis? We get to go on an aircraft carrier!" I looked back at my boyfriend who was sitting next to me awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers.

"Yeah, should be exciting! And the boys arrive in the morning! It will be like this summer all over again, but now we'll be on a huge boat!" he smiled.

"It's an aircraft carrier, not a boat, son." My dad corrected him. Oh God, the embarrassment begins.

"Oh right, sorry sir. And it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson." Louis put out his hand and my dad took it, shaking it firmly.

"Commander David Styles. The feeling is.. mutual. You're in Harry's band, correct?"

"Yes, sir." Sir? Really Lou? Gosh he is such a dork.

"Interesting. And you two are" he pointed to us and furrowed his eyebrows, obviously waiting for us to admit that we were a couple.

"Yeah, dad, we're together." I pressed my lips together tightly and smiled, really annoyed with my dad and how awkward the situation was right now.

"I see. Well, it's getting late, I think the both of us better be going, right Louis?" my dad stood up and looked over at Louis. Way to kill everything dad.

"Uh, yeah. See you tomorrow Ashley." Louis got up quickly and waved to me, red still covering his face. It was cute that he was so embarrassed.

"Yeah, love you Bo. Come on Louis, my car is parked out front." my dad began to walk out the door and Louis quickly followed behind him. Before he walked down the hallway, Louis turned back to me and saluted, running off to catch up with my father. I laughed silently before picking up a book on the table beside me and looking for the place I was currently reading.

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