Chapter 22: Beautiful Goodbyes

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I woke up to the sound of the overly familiar alarm sitting on my bedside table. I slid my hand out from under the covers and quickly hit the snooze button. I wasn't ready to get up. Not today. Today I was facing another goodbye. And if you hadn't already figured it out, I hate goodbyes. I heard a slight snore come from behind me and I turned my head to see Louis, still in a deep sleep. I smiled and shifted to where my head was now laying across his chest. I felt his steady heartbeat slightly speed up and I stifled out a small laugh, which of course woke him up. At first, he seemed pretty confused as to where he was and what was happened, but I guess he finally remembered where he was as he looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back, letting out a loud laugh as he grabbed me by my waist, slightly tickling my sides, and positioned me so that I was now sitting in his lap, facing him.

"Good morning love." he smiled.

"Good morning Lou" I giggled.

"What time is it?" he asked, looking around for a clock.

"Umm... it's nine thirty." I said quietly. Ready for him to freak out.

"What? Our flight leaves in two hours! We gotta go or we'll miss it!" he jumped out of bed and began throwing clothes into his suitcases that were lying empty on the floor.

"That was the point." I said under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"Ashley, you know how much I want to stay here with you, but I can't. So help me pack." he said, running into the bathroom to grab more of his stuff. I looked over to a corner of my room where I saw a few items of clothing that looked like Lou's. I carefully picked each one up, admiring them. The first piece was the black button down he had worn the night of my birthday party. I smiled remembering how happy I was when I found out the "misterious masked man" was really my amazing boyfriend. The other was plain grey tee. It didn't have any significant memories to go with it, so I quickly picked it and the black shirt up and brought them over to the open suitcases lying on the floor. I found enough room in the second once to fit both shirts nicely, without having to wrinkle them. I sat there, looking through his things until he ran back in with the rest of his belongings, set them in one of the suitcases, and zipped them up. I opened the door for him and we walked down the stairs, where the rest of the boys were waiting with their suitcases.

"Come on guys! We're going to be late!" Liam ran up to us, throwing me the keys as they all grabbed their luggage and headed out the door. I locked the house as the boys loaded up my car and soon enough, we were on the road. I drove pretty fast so instead of the usual two hour drive to San Francisco, we made it in about one and a half. I parked the car in the garage on the first level so we could get to the terminal faster. They boys and I raced into the airport and up to the gate. Luckily, they already had their tickets and somehow Paul had managed to get them cleared through security so they wouldn't have to spend time in the weird "full body scanners". The workers at the airport were nice enough to let me come along with the boys so I could say goodbye, but it was probably just because they were celebrities.

There we were. Gate 4C. The gate that would take them back to their busy lives of being superstars. Leaving me behind. I was in the same position I was in three months ago, and I didn't like it any more than I had then.

"Bye Ashley. We had a wonderful time. Can't wait to come back soon!" Liam, Niall, and Zayn all hugged me quickly before walking over to the gate and getting on the plane.

"Goodbye Bo! I'll see you in a few months! Maybe we can skype when we get to LA" Harry babbled on as he gave me a quick hug before following the others; leaving only me and Louis. I looked over at him and saw him fiddling around with the ends of his jean jacket. The feelings about this goodbye were obviously mutual.

"Don't screw this up again like last time." I tried to distract myself.

"Hey, if I remember correctly, I fixed my screw up pretty well." he smiled.

"Yes you did." I said quietly, looking down to my right wrist which was now the home for the bracelet Louis had given me two days ago.

"And I promise I will be better about calling you. I'll try to do it as much as possible, and if I can't call, I'll text. Whatever I can to make you happy."

"Okay." I said quietly, "You should probably go now."

"I know, I'll see you soon, love." he smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for one last kiss. The call for final boarding sounded and we both pulled away. He gave me one last big hug before running off to the gate. I waved as he headed to the plane, turning away before I would start crying or something stupid like that.

I left the airport; quietly and alone. I found my car in the big parking garage and climbed into the drivers seat. I looked over to the passenger seat and found the black hoodie sitting there. I picked it up and held it close to my face: taking in the familiar smell.

I opened the door to my cold, quiet house. It may have only been one in the afternoon, but I was too tired to do anything. I drag my body upstairs and crawled into my unmade bed. I grabbed the pillow Louis would sleep with and held it close to my chest. I tried to sleep, but I just couldn't there was too much running through my mind.

I couldn't seem to put my finger on it, but something was different about this goodbye. It was romantic. It was sweet. It was a beautiful goodbye.

But something deep down inside of me was telling me that it was our last.

(A/N: OMG This is soooo bad!!!! I'm so sorry! I'm really just trying to get to the dramatic parts so all the lame, not as important chapters (such as this one and the last) are totally sucking. Please give me some feedback! SORRY ITS SO SHORT! I feel like the two chapters about the goodbyes would've been to similiar if I made it longer. -Katie)

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