Chapter 42: How to Save A Life

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About half an hour later Marlee and I arrived at the downtown mall. This mall was a lot smaller than the one we normally went to, but it was closer and outside. Plus, there was more stuff to do than just shopping. The two of us met up with Claire, Kaitlyn, Tori, and Hailey out in front of PacSun. We all went inside and began our shopping adventure, and I actually found a few cute things for the upcoming winter months. One bag in hand, I left the store and everyone soon followed. A few doors down was Jack Wills and we all decided to go there next. I was looking through a rack of dresses when someone bumped into me: Claire.

"Hey there." she said while also looking through the same rack of dresses.

"Hey. Find anything cute?"

"No. Not yet. Plus everything is pretty expensive today, so I doubt I'll get anything if I want to feed myself this week."

"Oh right, how's school going?" I asked.

"Good. I aced my first psychology test, but I have another one in a few weeks."

"That's great. And don't stress too much about it."

"I'll try, but you know me. Anyways, how are you?"

"Good. Everything's going pretty good." I nodded.

"Missing el boyfriend?"

"Course I am. But not so much that it'll ruin my day. He'll be back in a week and I'll be fine until then."

"Good, I'm glad. When is the interview on TV?"

"I think tomorrow, I'll have to check."

"Cool. What do you think of this?" she held up a floral dress with quarter-length sleeves.

"Cute. Going to get it?"

"Yeah, I can't resist. Who needs food anyways?" she ran off to the register and I laughed. Soon enough we were all done with our shopping and decided to move on to another store.

~~~~~~~~~~A Few Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~

After we had finished all of our shopping, which by the way ended up taking like four hours, we walked down to our favorite Japanese restaurant.

"So, how's everything going guys?"

"Good. The team is doing well, Marlee's got a boyfriend, and Claire's passing her college courses. So we're all good here, what about you?" Kaitlyn answered, taking a sip of her coke.

"I'm okay. I don't go back to the hospital for I think for days, and other than that everything is great." I smiled as our food arrived. For once I was actually hungry.

"So, what are everyone's plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas? They're coming up pretty soon." Marlee said.

"Just hanging out here." Claire said.

"I'll probably go down to Florida to see the family at Christmas, then Texas to see my dad." Tori said. I remembered her dad moving to Texas last year after her parents divorced.

"Same as Claire." Kaitlyn said.

"I'm not sure. My dad will be home during Thanksgiving. But I have no clue what I'm doing for Christmas." I shrugged.

"Maybe you can go to Holmes Chapel, or Doncaster perhaps." Hailey smirked.

"I won't be going there without an invitation. Plus we still have like two months."

"Yeah, how long have you and Louis been together anyways? Tori asked.

"Uh... I guess it's going on ten months."

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