Chapter 24: The Third Cut is the Deepest.

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(Haha, you guys like the pun I made for the title? If you haven't heard of the song, The First Cut is the Deepest, go listen to it below! I felt like it was perfect for this chapter, and it's a really great song. Hope you like the chapter!)


The sounds of the seagulls squawking outside woke me up. I checked the clock in the kitchen: 7:30. Pretty early. I got up off the couch and walked over to my coffee machine and started it up, figuring Claire wouldn't want to actually do anything unless she had her coffee. It finished brewing and I poured two cups full and brought them over to the coffee table in front of the couch. Aww Claire's still sleeping. Too bad I'm her best friend and she has to put up with me. I grabbed one of the throw pillows and threw it into her face. She groaned and started to move, soon sitting up and facing me, rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms out.

"What time is it?" she yawned.

"7:30. I made coffee." I handed her one of the mugs.

"You're lucky I love you, Styles." she smirked before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Am I now? Well then." I laughed.

"Can you hand me my phone?" she pointed to her black iPhone sitting on the coffee table. I picked it up and handed it to her. She put down her coffee so she could hold the phone properly. Her eyebrows furrowed together when she hit the home button, quickly opening it. I looked over her shoulder to see that she had like twenty texts.

"Someone's popular." I smirked, but she didn't laugh. Instead, she continued to look through her messages.

"What's up?" I asked, a little more worried.

"Uh, nothing. I got to go to the bathroom. Be right back." she quickly got up and ran off to my bathroom, with her phone in her hand. What was going on?

I sat there for about five minutes all by myself while Claire "used the bathroom". I was really confused. She finally came out and sat next to me.

"Hey Bo, have you checked your phone recently?" she asked quietly.

"No, not since I called you last night, why?"

"Maybe you should check it now." she handed my white iPhone to me. I clicked the home button and found I had about twenty texts, same as Claire, but also a ton of twitter mentions. I slid my phone open and clicked on the twitter app. I scrolled down my mentions. They all were saying things like:

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Ashley! Still love you!

I can't believe this. You're so amazing, how could this happen to you?

I'm not sure if this is real, but I saw this online today: mind clearing up the rumors for us all?

Finally Louis has gotten rid of that blonde bitch! I was always an Elounor shipper anyway.

I clicked on the second to last one which has a picture attached to it. I opened up the picture file and saw a picture of Louis at a club, with a girl. But it wasn't just any girl, it was Eleanor Calder, his ex-girlfriend. And if I know what the word "ex" signifies, they shouldn't have been doing what they were doing. I closed the twitter app and looked over at Claire.

"There's this too." she held up her phone to me. I picked it up and held it close to my face so I could read it. It was an article from some British magazine. The title was: Louis Tomlinson sleeps with ex-girlfriend. Louley is OVER!

I probably read the article about five times. Tears began to brim in my eyes, and soon enough, I was full on crying. I would only cry in front of Claire. But right now, I could've cried in front of anyone. She gave me a big hug and cried along with me. She was truly my best friend. But my heart was broken. I loved him, but he went on ahead and cheated on me. And to make things worse, it was his ex-girlfriend. What ever happened to "I'll never forget you"?

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