Chapter 10: Working Things Out

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The boys came home a little while later. I made some lunch while they informed Niall about the meeting he slept through. It sounded pretty interesting, but I could tell Niall wasn't paying much attention. He was so happy; he sure did like Marlee. I called the guys in and we all sat down to eat.

"So Ashley, what do you want to do for the rest of the time you're in England? How much longer? About one month, right?" Zayn said.

"Yeah, about four weeks. And I'm not really sure what I want to do, but for the next couple of days I just want to relax." I said, taking a sip of my water.

"Mhm, that sounds good. We'll find stuff to do, but you do need your rest. I mean, you've hardly had a break the whole time you've been here, what kind of a vacation is that?" Liam smiled. It was cute that they cared.

We all finished up and went off in different directions. I saw Harry head down to the movie room, so I decided to follow him; maybe we could talk it out and make up like he and Louis did. But then again, I had already tried that this morning, and things did not go so well.

I knocked on the door to the room, heard some shuffling, and then the door opened, revealing Harry.

"Hey" I said quietly, not wanting him to yell at me.

"Hi." he replied shyly.

"Do you mind if I come in?"

"No." he said, opening the door a little wider. I entered and sat down on one of the couches.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"I guess, what's it about?"

"I'm just confused. Like, why did you forgive Louis, but you're still mad at me? What is it exactly that I did wrong?"

"Bo, I'm really sorry about all of this," he sighed, "I didn't mean for it to get this complicated, but I honestly didn't think you and him would be a... thing. It just kind of frustrated me cause he's my best friend, and now, he's your boyfriend."

"Aw, are you jealous???" I giggled.

"No, Lou's my best mate, he always will be. I'm just kind of worried about you. Louis can be a bit of a douche sometimes, and I just don't want you to get hurt or anything. I'm sorry, Bo."

"Ha, well aren't we all a bit of a douche sometimes? But thanks, Harry, it means a lot to me to know that you're concerned. I'm sorry I lied to you." I hugged him.

"Yeah. Just don't do it again, okay?"

"I promise, I won't ever lie to my little Haz ever again." I giggled, getting up and heading for the door.

"Last time I checked I was four inches taller than you, so don't call me little." he yelled, as I opened the door.

"Ooh, was that a threat? Nice try, but you don't scare me, brotha." I smiled, but then quickly skidded away as Harry sprinted after me. I'm glad everything was back to normal.


Once Harry and I had finished our little game (which I had won), we met up with the rest of the boys in the living room. Everyone was on their phone, Zayn probably texting Perrie, Liam texting Danielle, and Niall texting Marlee, of course. Louis looked up at me and smiled, I blushed and sat down next to him on the couch; he put his arm behind my head.

"So, dinner, tonight? Anyone have any ideas?" Harry asked.

"Oh, you should make fajitas! Harry makes the best fajitas!" Niall smiled at me.

"That'd be good, but I think we need to go to the market to pick up a few things." Harry said.

"I can get the stuff," Liam said, "You can start cooking what we have, just give me a list and I'll go pick it up."

"Okay thanks mate. Does that sound good Bo?" Harry looked at me.

"Yeah, that sounds yummy. But I think I'll go for a quick run before dinner." I said, getting up.

"Haha, okay. But I don't think this whole 'relaxing thing' is something you can do, you're to active." Harry giggled as I headed upstairs to change into my running clothes.

Once I was dressed, I went back downstairs and told Harry I'd probably be back in about half an hour. I stepped outside and the cold, crisp air hit my dry skin. I began to run, hoping it would help me relax a little more, despite what Harry told me; running always calms me down. I was just still really confused about everything. Was Harry really okay with this? Were me and Louis a 'thing'?

I had made it to the park where my team had practiced about a week ago when I decided I should take a break. I sat down on a bench and began to look around. There were a lot of people, kids, adults, old people; it was a nice place for people to enjoy the good weather. I turned to look at the soccer field. A little girl and her dad were playing soccer together. It reminded me of when I was little; when my dad was home. He had only been gone for a few months, but I missed him terribly.

After about five minutes, I realized how late it had gotten and that I should be heading home soon, if I wanted any remains of dinner that the boys managed to save me. I got up, and bent down to re-tie my left shoelace, which had come undone when I arrived at the park. I was almost done when I heard footsteps approach me and a small chuckle. I thought I recognized the voice, and it made me terrified to get up. But finally, I got up off the ground and turned around. There he was, Austin, just what I thought.

"Hi Ashley," he smirked, "how've you been?"


"Oh come on, baby, don't be like that."

"Just leave me alone." I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

"Don't go yet. I'm not done with you, we still have plenty to catch up on."

"No, we really don't" I smirked, trying to pull away, but his grip just tightened.

"Stop trying to run away, Bo. I'm not going to hurt you." He laughed.

"Don't call me that."

"Aw Babe. You're not still made at me, are you?"

"Of course I am! How could I not be? You cheated on me!" I yelled.

"Hey, no need to announce that to the world. Now, why don't we go back to my hotel room and fix this all up so we can go back to normal, eh?" He whispered, pulling me closer to him, playing with a strand of my hair.

"No. I'm going home." I said, but then pressed his lips against mine and began to move his hands down from my hands to my thighs. I dropped my hands down, grabbing his, and pulling away. Before he could even pull me back, I hit him. I punched him in the face so hard he backed up a few steps, enough space for me to start running. I began to run as fast as I could, but it wasn't fast enough, not as fast as he was. He grabbed me and pulled me behind a group of trees, away from the streets view. It was getting dark, and I was beginning to worry that no one would ever find me; that I wouldn't make it out of his grip.

"You really shouldn't have done that, Styles." He growled, stepping on my ankle, making me fall to the ground. He began to kick me, harder and harder every time. I tried to fight back, but it was no use from the ground. I was getting tired, I stopped trying to hold him off. It was no use anymore. My eyes began to close as he went in for one final punch, but instead of feeling pain, I heard him yell and a tall dark figure push him over. I managed to open my eyes a little wider, enough to see that the other person was definitely taking care of Austin.

"Get out of here, and never come back. You touch her again, and I will have every cop in the city after you." The man said. I couldn't recognize his voice, it was muffled and a few feet away. But I was able to figure out what he had said, and it apparently worked, as I was able to see Austin run away to who knows where, but I was pretty sure I wouldn't be seeing much of him anymore. I sighed, and closed my eyes again. Two warm hands wrapped around me, picked me up, and carried me away. I finally felt safe, and with that, I fell asleep in the person's arms.

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