Chapter 38: I Won't Give Up

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(Louis' POV)

"What's going on?" I panicked when the doctor took me outside of the room Ashley was resting in. She was crying she was in so much pain. I had no idea what was going on and I was freaking out.

"Well, it seems to be an aneurysm. A more severe one, so we need to operate now."

"o-operate?" I stuttered. Surgery? Crap, this is bad. And I have to tell everyone... great.

"Yeah. We just need to make an incision in her head and then-" I stopped him. I couldn't listen to any more details or else I might need to hit something; something being him.

"I understand. When?"

"Oh, we need to start now. But it will take some time, probably around six hours. Go home and rest, son." the doctor patted me on the back but I was in no mood for sympathy. I never understood sympathy, it was more like "sorry, but I'm glad it isn't me". It was awful how other people, including myself, had it so easy. And then Ashley: she couldn't have a more complicated life right now.

I nodded my head and we walked back into the room together, a few nurses following with things needed for the surgery. I sat down in a chair next to Ashley as they began sticking things all over her body. She turned to me, looking more frightened than a person could. I took a deep breath, trying to stay as calm as possible, for her sake.

"Bo, baby, they're going to need to do a little surgery. It'll be okay, I promise. I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise they'll take care of you. Promise that you'll be a good patient?" I looked at her. Tears were brimming and I blinked quickly to push them back. Crying was not an option anymore.

"I-I promise." she said softly.

"Okay, I'll be here. I promise. I love you, okay?" I said while grabbing her hand and lifting it up to my face. I rubbed circles across the soft, warm surface of her skin and kissed it softly until she fell asleep. Right after that I was ushered out of the room and back outside in the waiting area. I didn't know what to do, but I decided to listen to the doctor's advice. I went down to the hospital's garage and unlocked Ashley's car, turning it on and driving away. It was hard to focus on the road while I was worrying about her. But I was more worried about what would happen when I returned home alone. What would I say? I left her there alone while she is having a six-hour brain surgery. Great, sounds good.

I pulled into the driveway slowly, noticing two more cars parked out in front. One was a rental, the other was the car that her father had driven me home in the other day. Great, seemed like everyone was home: how perfect. I took a deep breath and wiped my face so I didn't look so upset. I unlocked the door with the keys Ashley had given me and saw Niall, Anne, and Harry in the kitchen. Zayn, Liam, and Mr. Styles were in the living room watching what looked to be a football match. No one looked at me when I first walked in, but they all turned when I cleared my throat loudly.

"Louis! Where's Ashley? Hope you don't mind, but we told Anne and Mr. Styles." Liam said as everyone walked over so they were all facing me.

"She's.. um.. she's back at the hospital."

"What? You left her there? Why?" Zayn yelled and I saw Anne's eyes widen.

"Because the doctor told me it would be a while until she was out."

"Out?" Mr. Styles asked.

"Yeah. She's.. um.. she's in surgery right now. He said it was some sort of an aneurysm. We can go back at around nine."

"Oh Dear God, are you sure?" Anne cried out.

"Yeah, she was having bad head pains and the doctor said that it's most likely a severe one, so that's why they needed to operate now." I said quickly, looking down at my shoes. I didn't want to see how upset her parents were, it would just make me feel more guilty. They would blame me, obviously. I had actually caused this. It was my fault and now I was officially kicked out of the Styles Family "circle of trust".

Look After You - A Louis Tomlinson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now