Chapter 27: Torn

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I opened the door to my house and let out a big sigh as I set my soccer bag on the floor and walked over to the couch. I stretched my body across it. It had been about a week since in the party. I had played in about three pre-season games so far and they weren't going very well. Today I finished the game with another awful headache and horrible pain in my left shoulder and right knee. I usually never get injured, what was going on? Maybe because I had been playing so much lately. Soccer is really the only thing that can manage to get my mind off of Louis and Austin and all that stuff I worry about daily. But the one good thing that's happened lately is that I think I've finally gotten over Louis. I rarely even think about him now, and when I do, I just remember how much of a dirty douche he is. It's an overall good feeling.

After lying around on the couch for about twenty minutes I decided to get up and check my phone for any new messages. I opened it up and sadly, there were no messages. My friends and I had all been so busy lately; especially with everyone's first year of college getting ready to start off. I had decided at the end of senior year to take a break from school and start college next year. So far, I think I made the right decision. I'm already busy enough, school would just be too stressful right now.

I checked twitter and noticed all the mentions I had, mostly from One Direction fans. It made me sort of sad when I thought about how the main reason I was such a popular athlete was only cause I knew One Direction, hopefully other people didn't think that too. Other than that, there wasn't too much going on in the world. Liam tweeted a few hours ago right before their show in New Orleans, so they were probably almost done now. It surprised me that they would be finishing up their tour in a matter of days: one more show in New York tomorrow, and then they would go back home. Not that it mattered to me; things would still stay the same.

I turned TV on to my favorite show, Doctor Who, while I made myself a small dinner of pasta. I relaxed and enjoyed being alone for about half an hour, interrupted by my cell phone ringing. I picked it up and read the caller ID: Lou. My heart beat getting faster. Gosh Bo, I thought you were over him?!? I snapped back into reality and looked back down at the phone, quickly clicking end call. I felt relieved and proud of myself, turning my attention back to Doctor Who. About two minutes later my phone rang again. I groaned and picked it up, checking the caller ID even though I figured it was Louis. Surprisingly, it was Harry. I answered it, quickly regretting it as I held it up to my ear. What if it's Louis? I held my breath and waited for the voice on the other line to say something.

"Bo?" It was Harry. Thank God.

"Hey Harry, how was the show?" I asked, pausing the television so I could hear him better.

"It was good. What's up?" I heard some voices behind him, but they quickly faded away. I assumed he left the room.

"Nothing really. I had a game today, it sucked ass. So the usual." I laughed at myself.

"Aww, I'm sorry. But everyone has their off-days Bo, you'll do fine soon." he reassured me.

"Hopefully. But this off-day keeps going on and on. So why exactly did you call? Not to be rude or anything."

"Well, I need to talk to you about something. And it really can't wait. I wanted to do it in private and the only place I really have to myself is the dressing room."

"Haha okay, shoot." I told him, ready to hear what he had to tell me.

"Louis didn't cheat on you." I sighed.

"Harry, I know that you may think that, but those pictures aren't fake. You can try all you want to get me to believe you, but it just won't work."

"No, Bo. You don't understand. The pictures were real. Eleanor was at the club. But Louis was drunk! He didn't even know it was her; he thought it was Christmas Eve for God's Sake!"

"Seriously? That's pretty hilarious." I laughed.

"Yeah, seriously. We had to drag him out of the club cause he couldn't take two steps without toppling over."

"Wait, I thought he went home with Eleanor?"

"No, he didn't. She lied, Ashley. Louis talked to her a few days ago and she openly admitted to it. Louis didn't cheat on you Bo, why can't you see that?"

I was trying to process everything that just happened. Was Harry telling the truth? No, he couldn't be. Eleanor wouldn't admit to it. But why would he lie about this to me? I realized I was zoning out when I heard Harry call my name. I replied with a "huh", making him sigh and repeat what he had said.

"Louis is a complete wreck without. He barely goes outside his hotel room. His solos are weak. And he just isn't Louis anymore. He needs you, and I know you need him."

"You're wrong Harry. I don't need him."

"But you can't just stay like this! Louis didn't cheat on you! You have to get him back!" he shouted at me. I was surprised by his sudden angry tone, and the fact that he wanted Louis and I together.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm just confused right now. I don't know what to believe."

"Believe me! I'm your brother! The boys can back me up too! We were all there, we know what happened! Just trust me!"

"I can't. Not yet. I got to go, Harry. Talk to you later, have fun in New York."

"No, Bo! You have to believe me!"

"Harry. I'm done. I'm done with him. So just stop trying. Bye." I ended the call and sighed. How come things have to get so complicated? My life isn't supposed to be a soap opera.

I thought long and hard about everything. It definitely didn't help my headache, but I had to do it.

What if Harry was telling the truth? What if Louis really didn't cheat?

I didn't want to believe Harry, but in so many ways; I did.

Harry was right: I needed Louis.

I was still in love with him.

And maybe I had faith that Harry was telling the truth.



(A/N: Oh, Ashley knows the truth! But does she believe it? Well, we will find out soon! The next few chapters are going to be really important, so keep checking for updates! I also love feedback, so please leave me a comment when you're done reading! I'll try to update tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Other than that, I hope everyone is enjoying the story! Remember to vote and share the story with your friends! Love you all!!!! Xx -Katie)

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