Chapter 32: Troublemakers

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After begging Ashley's nurse for about an hour, I finally convinced her to let me stay the night again, even if last night I left at about two thirty. Tonight was much better, for me that is. Every time I looked over at Ashley she seemed to be in pain. I wanted to help, but I couldn't.

That was the worst feeling in the world.

My girlfriend is in pain and I can do nothing about it.

The next morning my eyes opened to face two beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. She wasn't smiling. Instead, she had a panicked look on her face. Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead. Stains from her makeup were still smudged across her cheeks.

"What's wrong love?" I asked, confused.

"I've been throwing up like all morning. It's disgusting. I hate everything." she replied, rubbing her stomach with one hand, pushing a few strands of hair away from her face with the other.

"I'm sorry baby. Anything I can do for you?"

"Well a nurse gave me medication a little while ago, and I guess that's supposed to help. But for now I'm just really tired. Not sure what you can do for that." she shrugged, snuggling back into her blankets and laying her head on a pillow.

"Okay, but the least I can do is give you some company." I smiled down at her and she simply giggled, making me laugh too. I wrapped my left arm around her small body and held her tightly against my body.

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten in like... days." I said. How could she go so long without eating?

"No, I'm okay. I've kind of lost my appetite recently, but I guess it's just a side-effect." I fake pouted and she playfully pushed my face away. I laughed and turned back to her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Ms. Styles?" a voice asked from the door. We turned to see one of Ashley's nurses standing in the doorframe, clipboard in hand.

"Yeah?" she asked. God her voice is so cute. Oh dear, I am obsessed, aren't I?

"You have a visitor waiting outside" the nurse said. I looked over at her and raised my eyebrows. She pushed her shoulders up, signaling that she had no idea who it was.

"I'll go see who it is, you can wait here. I'll be right back." I got up and followed the nurse out of the room and into the hallway.

"What the hell are you doing here?" a voice yelled. I turned to see a man looking about my age walking towards me, obviously angry about something. I felt like I had seen him before, but where?

"Um, I'm here with my girlfriend." I told him the truth, not really sure what he was so angry about.

"Last time I checked you two weren't together anymore! Last time I checked she needed her friends, like me, to comfort her because you ruined her!"

Oh, this was that one friend of hers. Matt, wasn't it?

"Listen, Matt, I know that is what you think happened but-" he cut me off.

"I know what happened! You cheated on her!"

"I did not cheat on her." I said, getting tired of his crazy antics. What, I had talked to the guy once and now he's screaming at me... okaaaaay.

"Think what you want. But I think her crying her eyes out over you is enough explanation. Just get out of here. She deserves to be around people who actually care about her."

"I do care about her. So maybe you should leave."

"If you cared about her so much, then maybe you should know that YOU'RE THE REASON SHE'S IN HERE! Don't you see that? This is all YOUR FAULT. She's dying, all because of you."

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