Chapter 7: And The Party Continues...

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After about an hour of continuous celebrating, the crowd finally started to thin out. The only people left in the stadium was my teammates, their families, and the guys.            

"Hey Everyone!" Liam yelled and everyone turned to listen.

"We're having a big party tonight at our place! Everyone's invited!" Niall yelled and everyone screamed with delight. I gave everyone our address and headed back into the locker room to get my stuff and quickly change into my tracksuit. When I walked back out, it was just me, the guys, and a few other people. 

"Where did everyone go?" I said, looking around and fixing the strap on my equipment bag.

"They left to go clean up and get ready for the party, which is probably what we should be doing." Zayn said. I noticed Harry was ignoring me, did I do something wrong?

"Okay, let's go." I said, picking up my backpack and putting it on my other shoulder.

"Here, give me one of those." Louis said, gesturing to my bags. I gave him the equipment bag and continued walking. So, were we "together" together, or not? Humph, guys can be so confusing.

We finally got home and I took a quick shower and changed into a casual outfit, perfect for a party with my friends. People starting arriving a little while after that and soon enough, there were about 50 people in our small London house. I was mainly hanging out with my teammates, Claire, and Tori. I felt a little bad cause I wasn't really talking to Louis, but he looked like he was having fun with some of the other guests.

Claire and I were dancing to our favorite song when she asked me about Louis.

"So Bo, what do you have to say about your relationship with Louis now? Hmm?" She giggled.     

"I honestly have no idea. I mean, I think he likes me, but I'm not sure!" I yelled at her over the loud music. 

"Oh trust me, he likes you, even if you are a crazy ratchet freak." She joked and pretended to grind on me. This is why she was my best friend.

"Pshhhh. Lies Claire, lies!" I playfully pushed her over.

"Fine! If you don't believe me, I'll just have to go have a talk with him!" She said as she walked off the dance floor and toward the kitchen.

"No! Wait!" I shouted and looked around for her.

After a few minutes I finally gave up, found some more people, and partied like the white chicks we knew we were. I was having a ton of fun, until I saw Harry. He was sitting in the hallway, watching Louis and Claire talking. He had an angry expression on his face, and I finally wandered over to him to ask him about it.

"Hey Haz, why aren't you 'partying hard' like everyone else here?" I joked and knocked him to the side with my hips. 

"I'm just not in the mood, okay?" He said, quickly turning away.    

"No, what's really the problem?" I stopped him. 

"It's nothing Bo! Just go hang out with your boyfriend and do whatever the hell you want, cause I really don't care anymore."

"What? Louis isn't my boyfriend, Harry. Is that what you're upset about? Cause I swear its not true." I said. I mean, it was just a kiss. People do it all the time when they win something, right?  

"Oh really, then why are Claire and Lou talking about you two 'getting together', huh?" 

"Ha, don't ask me. That's just Claire trying to play matchmaker. Don't worry Haz, I wouldn't go out with Louis until I was sure you were okay with it."   

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