Chapter 46: Take Me Home

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My bags we're being loaded in the airport van and I stood in my living room, making sure I didn't leave anything behind. I was sad that I was leaving, I loved my home. I'd miss it, since I'd lived here for fifteen years. I'd miss the beach, my friends, everything. Luckily I didn't have to take everything with me since it was still my dad's house. I only had about five suitcases and four tote bags to fit all my stuff, yay for cleaning my closet finally! I heard the sound of the van's door closed and looked to see Louis and the driver standing outside, waiting. I grabbed my soccer bag, which I was using as a carryon, and ran out the door, locking it shut for who knows how long. I did however tell Claire to come by and keep an eye on the place occasionally, which I'm assuming she won't mind since she loves this place.

"Ready?" Louis asked as we both got into the van.

"Yeah." I sighed, closing the door and watch my house get further and further away until it was out of sight.

"Thank you again, for doing this." he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"It's fine, I love London. Plus I can always visit."

We arrived at the airport a little while later and the driver helped Louis and I get out luggage checked in. Next we went in the airport and picked up our tickets, making our way out to security.

"Bo!!!!!" I heard a voice shout. I turned to see Claire, Tori, Kaitlyn, Hailey, and Marlee running towards us.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said as they stopped in front of us and the line for security check.

"We had to say goodbye, again! We're gonna miss you babe! Come visit all the time! And invite us back to London, we loved it last time!" Tori smiled and everyone nodded.

"And I'll actually be flying into London in a few weeks to meet up with Niall, so I'll see you then." Marlee said.

"Okay, cool. Love you guys! I'll text you when we land." I laughed as they all gave me a hug. Finally pulling away, Claire turned to Louis.

"You better take care of her mister. I'm not expecting to hear from you unless I'm being invited to a party or your wedding. Either, but nothing else." Claire gave him her best poker face before softening up and giving him a quick hug.

"Will do, Claire." he chuckled.

"Bye guys!" I waved as we walked towards security.

"I like your friends, they're nice." he said as we took our shoes off and put them in the plastic bins.

"Yeah, they're pretty cool, even if they're completely psycho." I said and he laughed.


"We have now reached 10,000 feet. You are free to move about the cabin. Thank you for flying British Airways." the flight attendant spoke into the speakers. We had been flying for about twenty minutes now.  Thanks to Louis, we were sitting in first class, which definitely was nice. I had only flown like this once, and it was to LA.

"Want to do something fun?" Louis asked.

"Like what?" But seriously, what did he have in mind that we could do on a plane?

"Join the mile high club." he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ew! No!" I pushed his face away and he chuckled.

"Fine, fine. Twitcam perhaps? I can get wifi." I nodded and he pulled his laptop out. A few buttons later we were all set up for a twitcam.

"Hello world below us! Louis and Ashley here, and we're on a plane!" he said pretty loudly so it was audible over all the noise the airplane was making.

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