Chapter 54: Can You Feel the Love Tonight

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"Ou est mon pere?" I said.

"Love.. you just asked where your father is. That won't help us get to the Arc de Triomphe." Louis said.

"Well sorry for spending my high school years taking Spanish muchacho." I sassed him and he laughed.

We had been in Paris all week and it was hard to believe that it was actually our last day here. The city was everything I had imagined it to be: absolutely perfect. And I got to spend the entire week alone with Louis; that was a plus. It was late in the afternoon and we were trying to visit all the places we had yet to see. There wasn't much left, just the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame, so we weren't in much of a hurry. Except being lost in a big city wasn't the greatest feeling in the world.

"Here, let's see if there's a map around anywhere." Louis grabbed my hand and we began to walk through downtown Paris. Finally we found a map, but it was quite complicated. I groaned when I realized we were on the other side of the city from all the things we wanted to do. But Louis insisted on getting a cab so I helped him hail one. About twenty minutes later, we were stepping out in front of the Arc. Louis took out his phone and began taking rapid pictures. I didn't bother just because he would end up sending them to me anyway. He flipped the camera and turned around, pulling me with him. I pressed my cheek up to his and smiled as he snapped the picture. We made silly faces in the next one and in the last I kissed his cheek. Yeah, cheesy. Whatever.

"That one will be good to send to my Mum." he smiled while tapping away on his screen.

"Send them to me too." I looked over his shoulder and watched him pick the picture and send it to at least 6 different phone numbers.

"Got it. Let's go get some food, I'm starving!" Louis ran off towards a small cafe and I quickly chased him.

"But we ate like an hour ago!"

"So.. I'm craving some chocolate! Aren't you?"

"Sure, why not?" I gigged as we walked into the small cafe and ordered two chocolate croissants. When we were given them, I took a small bite of mine and licked my lips, indulging in the warm chocolate taste. We sat in the cafe for a good amount of time, looking at pictures and talking about all the fun stuff we had done on the trip. It was definitely the most fun I've had in a long time. Before we knew it, it was already five o'clock. I guess we wouldn't get to see the cathedral after all, but I was okay with that. We had gotten to do practically everything else.

"Ready to go back to the hotel? We can get something easy to eat while we pack." Louis asked, finishing his croissant and wiping his mouth of the gooey chocolate remains. I nodded while taking the last bite of mine. We walked out of the building and grabbed a cab, which took us back to our beautiful hotel in the heart of the city. Louis was awful and had to spend the most amount of money possible on this trip, but I knew arguing with him wouldn't work. Besides, who doesn't enjoy complimentary massages?

"I think I'll go take a shower." I said, walking into the suite and setting my bag on the bed. Louis followed in, but stopped and opened his laptop. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Twenty minutes later I opened the door and found no Louis in the bedroom. Instead, there was a note on his pillow. I picked it up and attempted to read the messy handwriting that I recognized as his handwriting.

            Wear something pretty. Be ready at 8. Xx

Oh no, he was planning some fancy dinner. I don't think he realizes how much I hate fancy anything. I hate it, hate it, hate it. But I love him, and he's adorable. Grr I'm conflicted.

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