Chapter 48: Stupid Mistakes

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"Jay you look really beautiful." I said as Jay stepped out of the bathroom in her wedding dress. Today was already the day of the wedding. Luckily Marlee and I were both able to find last minute dresses: mine being long and red to match the theme of the wedding and hers being a dark shade of blue. Currently Jay, all four Tomlinson girls, and I were all packed into one small room across from the garden where the wedding was taking place. Everything was ready and the wedding ceremony would start any moment now. I looked over in the full-length mirror and saw something different than what I have been seeing these past few months. I saw me. Not cancer. Not anything but Ashley Lynn Styles. And I felt great. Better than I have in a long time, that is.

"Are you ready Mum?" Lottie asked. I had only met Louis' family a few days ago but we were already pretty close. Jay was as sweet as I had imagined her to be. As were Lottie and Fizzy. The twins both gushed over me when I arrived and still fight over who gets to sit next to me at dinner.

"I believe so. Anyone seen Louis?" I looked around and shook my head.

"I'll go look for him." I said while opening the door and walking out into the hallway of the small building the entire wedding party was crammed inside. I only had to take a few steps before hearing a familiar laugh sound behind one of the doors. I turned my feet and softly knocked on the door. Seconds later I was greeted by Jay's fiancé. Did I mention how nice he was? Well, he's super nice.

"Hi Dan. Is Louis in here? We're all ready."

"Yeah, hold on, I'll get him." Dan walked away from the door and a few moments later came back with Louis.

"See you in a bit you two!" he said, closing the door and heading off in the opposite direction towards the end of the building.

"What took you so long?" I asked Louis as we walked back to the room.

"I couldn't figure out my tie." he smiled and I laughed. He's seriously five years old.

"Even I know how to put on a tie. And I would much rather be wearing one than a stupid dress." I gestured to the long gown I had on.

"Well that stupid dress looks gorgeous on you, so don't wine about it, you're not five."

"Oh, so I'm the five year old?"

"Yeah you are." he said whilst quickening his pace and speed walking towards the door, probably afraid that I would slap him.

"No I'm not."

"Yeah you are." he said back as I reached the door. We were now nose to nose.

"No I'm not."

"Yes. You are silly girl,” he said before opening the door and leaving me alone in the hallway. What. A. Jerk face.


"I now pronounce you man and wife. Dan, you may kiss the bride,” the priest said just before Jay and Dan sealed their marriage with a kiss. Everyone stood and began clapping as the couple walked back down the isle and toward the car that would take them to the reception hall for dinner. The rest of the wedding party quickly followed. I felt someone brush up against me and I looked to my left to see Louis walking close at my side.

"Happy for your mother?" I asked him.

"Yeah. She's been through a lot and I think Dan is a really great guy." he said and I nodded.

"Mhm. It's nice finally finding someone like that."

"You mean like me?"

"Yes you conceited boy. Come on now, we have to drive to the reception. Get your sisters." I said and Louis ran off to find the rest of the family. Finally he managed to get them all and we hurried over to his car, piling the girls in the back seat. The reception hall was only about five minutes away, so the car ride was pretty short considering Louis' awful driving. We gave the valet the keys to the car and quickly hurried inside the hotel where the reception was being held. Outside there were about ten people taking pictures, but we simply ignored them and went inside. The reception hall was dressed in the same colors as the wedding ceremony. Every table, given that there were about thirty of them, we're covered in beautiful flowers and silver tableware. At the end of the room were a dance floor, DJ, and a candy bar since Dan has a sweet tooth.

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