Chapter 30: Lloro Por Ti

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(A/N: Okay so the title of the chapter, Lloro Por Ti (meaning I Cry For You), is an amazing song by Enrique Iglesias! It's in Spanish, but I love it! It's so sad, and I feel that it's really fitting for what Louis si feeling right now. I attached a lyric video, hopefully the pictures in the background help you understand the song! Anyways... enjoy this chapter amigos! Hasta Luego! Xx -Katie)



"Louis. We're Here. Wake up." I heard the voice of my best friend above me while his hands softly shook my body. I sighed and rubbed my eyes until I felt comfortable enough to open them completely. I looked out the window and saw complete darkness. I guess it was pretty late here, but I was still stuck on England time. Stupid times zones. I shifted my body so that I was now sitting up. I looked over to my left to see Harry sitting there on his phone, Anne doing the same.

"Anything new?" I asked them. We had been waiting for an update on Ashley's condition for hours. Her test results were supposed to have come back tonight.

"No, not yet, but then again, it is two in the morning. I'm sure we will find out tomorrow when we see her." Anne put her phone back in her purse and stood up from her seat. Harry and I followed her off the plane and into the airport. It felt really nice to be here, I always liked San Francisco.

"Wait, what do you mean tomorrow? Aren't we going to see her now?" I panicked a little. I had planned on talking to her now, or at least seeing her now.

"Louis, it's two. She's sleeping and visiting hours are over. We have to her house and then we'll come back here in the morning. I promise she'll still be here." Harry patted my back as I grabbed my luggage and we all walked out of the airport.

Two in the morning was probably the only time that we weren't being mobbed by fans. It was honestly nice getting to walk the streets of the city without having to be stopped every few feet. Harry managed to get us an airport van and soon enough it had arrived. The driver hopped out and helped Harry and I put the luggage in the back of the car while Anne took the front seat. We shut the back door and Harry began to walk over to the side of the car, but I put my arm on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Mate, I really need to stay, like now." I looked over at him and he sighed, leaning against the back of the van. Anne and the driver were probably wondering where we were, but I really had to talk about this in private.

"Lou..." he began, but I quickly cut him off.

"Harry, I have to. I don't care what you have to say. I have to stay. I'll get a hotel in the city, catch a cab, something. But I need to stay and see her."

"Louis, I doubt they'll even let you in."

"Hey, I can try my best." I let out a small smile, the most I could do at this point.

"Okay, just call or text me if you get any news."

"Will do. You do the same for me if you hear first." I began to back away from the van as he opened the door on the side.

"Got it. See you later Lou, good luck." he said, closing the door. Anne looked over at me, a little confused, but I simply waved goodbye as the car drove off into the distance.

Wandering the streets of an unknown city, in the middle of the night, all alone is quite scary. I also had no idea where the hospital was, so I was looking everywhere for some sort of sign. Finally I found an entrance to the first hospital I could find, hoping it was the one she was at. I walked in through the automatic doors to find an empty and dark waiting room. A woman sat in a chair at the desk facing me. She looked to be about forty, dark brown hair and heavy-drooping eyes; she was probably tired from working a night shift. She was sitting at her desk, filling out some paperwork or something like that, and I figured she would be able to help me. I walked over to the desk and her eyes lifted, looking at me. She stood up and met me in the middle of the room.

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