22 - I Felt

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Yamato left us in front of the hotel where the event was to be held. I thanked him and he waved at us from a distance, until he blended in with the rest of the crowd.

"Let's go inside shall we?" I look over to Harue, whom was holding my hand.

"Okay!" He nods enthusiastically. He so adorable.

We walk inside the hotel, it was kind of crowded and it looked really fancy. Outside of one of the halls stood a sign that said, 'Utsunomiya Exhibition.' beside it stood a man behind a podium.

I go up to him and hand him the tickets. I look beside the podium and there stood a tall flower arrangement in a long vase. I looked really chic but at the same time, it gave off a welcoming vibe.

The man smiles and gives us two badges. "Please enjoy."

"Thank you." I bow a bit. We walk down the wide hallway which displayed a few works. The plate that proudly stood beside the pretty pieces displayed the name and title. We looked at all of them, taking our time to decipher each and every one.

Harue looked entranced by the art before him. He was amazed at the meaning and emotion that they conveyed.

The hallway walls were pure white, which made the colors stand out. The fragrance of flowers lingered in the air, like a gentle perfume that adorned the occasion.

I could actually get into this...now that I know why Hanae enjoyed this so much...

Best of all, Harue was actually enjoying it. I mean, you wouldn't expect kids to like this kind of thing. They would usually find it boring and dull.

It occurred to me that Hanae must've taught him to appreciate art.

I pat Harue's head at the thought and smile to myself. He looks up in confusion,

"What is it Haruna-oba?" He asks me.

"Nothing..." I pause. "Are you having fun?"

"Yeah!." He grins. "I like looking at all of these! They look like the ones in my book!"

We walk a bit further and then come across a large sign above us that had HARUKA UTSUNOMIYA in bold kanji.

"Oba! Oba! That name is in my book!"

I nod. "That's the man that made all the pretty arrangements in your book."

I look forward and the pieces whom were supposed to be by Haruka Utsunomiya.

They were certainly gorgeous. They stood out from the rest greatly, yet...

Why do they feel so, different?

Different from the ones that were in his album, I mean. The ones in his book were pale, delicate and serine. These looked a bit flashy; bold even. Not that it was a bad thing, they were certainly the most beautiful out of the rest.

Beside one of the arrangements is a board that had posted the show times and other activities that Haruka Utsunomiya would take part in. I glanced over at it with the intention of looking away, but something caught my eye.

'Utsunomiya Style Class Demo'

"Harue? I say his name in a questioning tone. "Do you want to try learning some ikebana from Mr. Utsunomiya?"

"Waaah! Can I?" He looks at me. "Y-Yes! I want to!

"Let's go then. It should be beginning right now..." I look over at the workshop area and it was already beginning to get crowded.

A Flower Named You (My Forged Wedding Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now