15 - Cry

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The weekend is over and it made me feel like time has been flying by since I began working at Tanabe. I kind of want to cry now. Time, please slow down.

I sigh and take out my lunch as soon as the bell rings. Most of the girls in my classroom today had some kind of club meeting thing to attend so my classroom was empty and girl-free. I take a deep breath and exhale at my freedom.


“...Fuck yes.”

I take out my boxed lunch and began eating in the quiet room. Yes, this was beautiful.

I have time to think about what to ask Ondera now. Hopefully she doesn't run off and leaves me hanging like last time. I hope to god that the stuff she told us on the phone isn't true. If it is, Yamato will have problems with me. If it’s a lie I’m gonna have to apologize to both Fumiko and Yamato.

If it’s a fucking lie I’ll play Onodera's little game and get her ass in trouble like how its supposed to be played.

Okay I’m getting carried away now.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my door. Who dares to disrupt my peace?

“Haruna. It’s me Yamato.”

“Oh.” I scowl internally. He probably wants to talk about Fumiko. “Come in.”

He walks in, bento box in hand. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much. I was just enjoying a lunch time without children.” I put some rice in my mouth. “By the way congratulations on your win the other day. I’ve got to say Kougami, I’m pretty impressed.”

“Yes. Be amazed.” He smirks. “But, why didn’t you come down and onto the field with us? Fumiko brought food and you really missed out on Yuta’s new joke. It was so bad that it actually made us laugh a bit.”

“Oh yeah huh. He’s a comedian.”


“You didn't by any chance try to avoid Fumiko… did you?”

“....I- I didn't want stuff to be awkward.. ok?”

“If you say so.”

We continue eating quietly… occasionally talking about baseball, and school. Yamato was considerate enough to leave Fumi out.

But even so, ever since the call that day, I feel uneasy and maybe even a little sad everytime we talk.


It’s the end of 5th period now and I’m saying bye to all my students for the day.

“Ondera.” I call out to her as she walks past my desk toward the door. “Do you think I can have a word with you after school?” I smile carefully.

“Sure Natsume Sensei.” She smiles back. I’m glad she’s so willing. “Can I ask for why though?”

“You’ll know when we talk hun.”


My last class felt longer than the rest. I was anxious to ask Ondera about Yamato.

I clean my chalkboard while waiting patiently in my classroom.

The door opens and I turn around with a friendly smile. “Ondera.” She leaves the door open as she walks in. “Oh, close the door please?”

She does as she’s told and takes the seat that I put in front of my desk. “Yes Miss Nastume?”

“Well....” I pause struggling to choose the right words. “This isn't really school related. Well, it kind of is. I mean it’s regarding the rules…” I pause giving my speech some more thought. “So um, I’m Mr. Kougami’s neighbor and well, my nephew and I go over to his apartment a lot for dinner…” I straighten my sitting position. “The last time I went over to their apartment, the phone rang….”

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