7 - School

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  • Dedicated to Maury Montalvo

My morning felt longer than usual. I struggled to pick out a suit and I couldn't even swallow my food right. Why? Because today was my first day teaching at Tanabe.

"Oba. Are you okay? Your hand is trembling a little...." Harue comments as we stand in front of his school. "Also, the bell already rang..."

I snap out of my daze and look down at Harue with a nervous smile. "Y-yeah okay you run along now..."

He runs off to class and I pick up my pace to get to school.

So, today class would start at 9:30am because it's the first day of school or something. Japanese systems are kinda complicated but well balanced.

The school was on a hill when I arrive I'm kind of out of breath. The gate looked like heaven for a second.

I walk in taking in the surroundings attempting to calm myself. The empty student bike racks, the small garden that stood to the side, the elaborate school sign that was decorated with golden letters...

I take a deep breath and walk in through the entrance. I kneel down to look for my slippers unable to find them at first. Last time I was here I put them in number 27...

"Natsume sensei?" I feel a shadow cast over me. I turn around slowly to find Mr. Kougami hovering over me. "Are these your slippers?" He asks holding up some white slippers with my last name printed on them.

I stand up quickly and grab them from him. "Y-yeah. Thanks..." I spat nervously darting my eyes away from him. He had startled me a little...scratch that- everything startled me. I was dying with nervousness.

It was my first time teaching in a classroom of my own. All girls as students, and being in a foreign country didnt help either. I felt a little embarrassed at the fact that it was really lame.

I looked down, bowed a little and began walking away. "I-I'll see you later th-"

"Wait." I feel Yamato's grip on my arm stop me in my tracks. "Natsume...Are you by any chance...nervous?"

I raise my head and look at him a little taken back. Usually, I felt confident in my ability to hide my emotions. Was I too obvious this time? I think back the way I tried to make my escape earlier. I guess I was pretty obvious...

I drop my stare and smile. "You caught me."

"...." He remains silent for a moment before speaking up. "It's ok to feel nervous. Even it is a little lame." He smirks.

"Huh?" I look up again glaring at him, my eyebrows knitted together.

He starts cracking up at my reaction.

"Hey...." I begin pouting as he laughs.

"You're expressions are so animated." He smiles. "Don't be scared. We teachers are here to teach our students. Not only math, physics or english. We also teach them of politeness, respect and confidence."

I realize how right he is in my mind. What was I thinking? Getting all scared and shit.

I have to go in there and show them that I am confident in my abilities to keep my cool and to teach them.

"You're right." I think outloud. "I guess I was too occupied worrying about myself instead of thinking about others.

He chuckles. "It's alright but, never lose sight of the people you're going to be teaching."

"Yes sir." I salute jokingly. We make our way to our rooms together.

"Well...." He waves a little at me. "See you at the ceremony."

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