- Epilogue -

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Not even a week later does the weather feel like it changes. Spring ends and summer hopped right on bringing its humidity and unbearable heat.

"Natsume-sensei..." One of my students calls out to me in a lazy tone. It was Friday today and the day was just about to end; well, the school day anyways.

"Sensei...can we stop for today? My brain has melted...."

I laugh and close my teaching binder. "Alright, you girls can relax until the bell rings. Just don't be too noisy. We have Mr. Kougami's class taking a quiz next door."


I start packing my things up to leave, then sit on my desk when I'm done. I close my eyes and fall deep in thought.

It's been a week since Kougami and I have been a couple. Although we haven't had much time together, there was something comforting about just thinking about him.

And every time I see him, I feel warm and happy. It's been awhile since I'd felt this way.

Instead of having it throw me off, I welcomed the feelings of pleasantness. I loved him and that was all there was to it.

I spin my chair from the window to the chalkboard. Under the word "season" I erase "spring" and begin to write "summer".

I'm interrupted by one of the girls whom nervously came up to speak to me.

"Um....Sensei..." I turn at the sound of the quiet voice. Her last name was Tanaka, and she was almost silent during class, barely speaking, only doing so when I would call on her.

"Yes?" I smile at her, trying to seem more approachable and friendly.

"I um...I was just wondering if you were interested in being the supervisor for a club I want to start..." She begins.

I stare at her for a while before thinking about it and answering.

"Hm.. well I'll think about it... but give me sometime to organize myself." After all I had Harue to take care of. I could work around it somehow, maybe ask someone to take care of him for me, maybe Akita could baby sit for me if I paid her?

I really wanted to help her with her club. I was pretty interested in the whole club system here in the beginning. I had forgotten about about it due to my settling in and such, but now was the perfect opportunity, and I was willing to make it work for me and the club.

"What kind of club is it?" I ask her, curious about her intentions.

"It's going to be the classical music club." She answers with more excitement. "I got a lot of my friends together from other classes. Many of them play instruments and they want to join so..."

"I thought we'd have a music club like that." I tilt my head to the side in thought. "I mean this is a private girls school."

"There are music clubs. But it's more like, choir and school band." She explains. "I want to start a club where there could be more soloing, you know?"

I nod. "Of course. I used to play an instrument in 4th grade. I think it was the song flute. I always hated playing with the other kids. I wanted to be solo at least once for our performance." I think back to my elementary days which seem ancient. "I'd be awesome if we could get you girls to perform at festivals and such.

She nods excitedly at the idea as the bell rings letting everyone out.

"I'll have an answer by Monday." I reassure her while she runs back to her desk to grab her bag.

The classroom clears out and I grab my bag and my keys ready to lock the door.

I leave the building a little later, after most of the school has emptied, as usual, and head to the front gate to meet Yamato.

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