17 - Hanae

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I say bye to Fumi as we part ways at my home's entrance after shopping. When I walk in, I see Yamato and Harue sitting at the living room table playing a baseball board game.

They looked really absorbed into it so I quickly took my shoes off and walked over to them.

I watch them play intently. I didn't really understand anything that was going on but I try to.

"I'm home." I whisper hovering over them. "How's the game?"

"I think I'm winning!" Harue bolted from his seat.

"Welcome home and, I think I might be losing..." Yamato looks troubled. "Give me a sec, I need to concentrate."

"Okay..." I nod and walk over to my room.

Once I get there I put down my shopping bags and looked inside.

Gloves; for Yamato. Every day when we walked home from school he would always try to warm his hands with his breath. So I felt like gloves would be a perfect gift for him.

I open the small box which was in the smaller of the bags. Inside was a blue crystal within a silver heart shaped necklace. This was for Fumiko.

Last but not least, an ikebana starter kit. It had small tools that where safe even for children to handle. Harue enjoyed flowers a lot, he can create something using them now.

I quickly begin wrapping them up. I was always sloppy but this time I took extra time and care to have them look as nice as possible.


Christmas was right around the corner, I invited Yamato and Fumiko over. They told me that they'd come over, but New Years was going to be spent at Long Island. In which case they invited me.

It would be fun, and I vowed not to drink a single drop of alcohol.

After I invited Yamato and Fumiko I realized something though. Fumiko can possibly have a thing for Yamato. What if I had ruined her plans of spending Christmas alone with him?

Well, what's done is done I guess. I still felt bad though.

I was at my favorite bakery pre ordering a cake for Christmas. It was a cute shop that I had tried a while back when on vacation, before I had moved here. It was a bit far, about 30 minutes to and from. I didn't really mind though, if I brought home something to make my family smile it was well worth it.


I pay the sweet old lady who rang me up. "Here you go dear, your change."

"Thank you." I smile. "Have a lovely Christmas."

"Like wise, you and your family."


I hang the recipt on the fridge. The magnet I used was a cute cupcake, it was a gift from one of my students. I thought about having a cake for them during the party, but I'd have to buy a huge cake. Too many students.

The recipt read that I'd have to go pick it up early Christmas Day. I had texted Fumiko to let her know. She would be the one to pick it up.

Meanwhile Yamato and I would make a special dinner for the four of us.


-Christmas Day-

Before Yamato came over, early in the morning, I called my parents.

My dad picked up the phone sounding a bit tired, I had forgot about the time difference.


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