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Chestnut liquid sloshed against the glass causing the small clear ice cubes to move along it. The man whose hand held the glass sighed somberly as he missed the feeling of touring and yearned to be on stage.

Pearlescent lips touched the cool glass wincing slightly at the taste before the liquid joined the rest of the previous in one go.

Yuta looks at the empty glass, meaningless thoughts swarming throughout his head. Maybe he shouldn't have drank another glass of whiskey when it was only four in the afternoon, but that didn't stop once the nutty liquid filled the glass once again.

The man still wore his robe even when hours passed, a silky fabric, which hung loosely on his broad shoulders, and tattooed skin on display. It seemingly glowed under the sunlight. Those city lights peeked through the tall windows giving a clear view of the city at his home, an apartment in the luxurious part of Seoul. It looked big for only one person but the chestnut liquid kept him company.

Yuta knew that he should've been dressed hours ago, technically the pounding headache kept him hiding in his sheets longer. Shouldn't have gone out partying...again. He couldn't tell if the ringing was from his head or his phone that sat on the nightstand. It was most likely his phone as people wanted him everywhere at the same time.

It took him a couple of minutes to finish the drink and to find clothes to change into. He decided to wear slim black pants, a black silky shirt that was tucked in his pants, and some dress shoes. He ignored the continuous ringing of his phone shoving it in his back pocket before exiting his penthouse.

His driver was already waiting for him downstairs knowing where he needed to be greeting the male like usual. Brown eyes were hidden behind shades, nodding to the driver before sitting on the soft cushions.

He looked outside resting his head on the window as he watched big buildings, and people walking in suits heading towards their destination. Yes, he might've lived in the busy expensive part of Seoul but he often spent his time in the quieter area where people sat in cafes drinking coffee and catching up with each other whenever he could.

Vsoul Entertainment stood tall and proud in the corner, towering over buildings and streets. It was home to many diverse artists and creators making a vision happen using their talents. Yuta was one of them, coming from nothing and having no passion or vision. Just had a head full of words and a heart filled with fire that would belt out until his throat became hoarse and rough.

"Thank you," He said to his driver once they arrived at the company's entrance. The cool wind danced with his hair as he headed toward the lobby.

Entering the lobby he was greeted by a large brown marble table hiding the receptionist behind it. She smiled briefly when the man walked in and bowed, he bowed walking past the large desk and the big letters of the entertainment's name.

When he opened the door he was greeted with the usual sight of clothing racks lined up with another, tables lined up with another having a mirror and lights. Expensive clothes were hung and cosmetics were stacked neatly on the table.

What he didn't understand was why things that weren't supposed to be unpacked were packed.

"Hello, what's going on in here?" He asked while looking around. That question seemed to startle a woman who turned around with a hand over her chest "Oh—Yuta! Don't scare me like that!" She almost shouts but she still smiles nonetheless.

With a sheepish smile, he pulled her into a hug. Naomi Conner, also known as Yuta's makeup artist and the only one who can deal with his antics has been with him from the start. At first, what was a platonic business relationship grew into a more sibling relationship with her being a few months older and him acting like a little brother whenever he had the chance.

Still wondering why Naomi was packing up putting her things neatly in her suitcase even the drawings that her son drew he speaks up "Well they can't fire you, they'll have to go through me first." His eyes then slowly narrowed over to the shorter woman who stood next to Naomi "And I don't need a new stylist, not even a bodyguard."

Naomi chuckled at the familiar childlike attitude despite him being an adult and having a higher power he still acted like a child "Calm down. I'm not fired or quitting. I'm just leaving for the next ten months." She states only to laugh at the relief shown on the male's face "I'm expecting."

Yuta's expression which showed great confusion turned into one of realization once he understood what she meant "Congratulations."

Naomi nodded rubbing her tummy slightly "Thank you. Also not to worry as you'll be fine without me."

Shaking his head, Yuta sat on the couch a smile never leaving his face. Naomi who said something to the woman next to her expression soon turned into a serious "Yuta you missed a meeting again." There it was that parental look that had him sighing.

"I overslept." He lied hoping it was a valid excuse, but it proved to be nothing once she shooed him away to the door before giving him a small hug.

Yuta couldn't help but take occasional glances at the woman again. Soft but sharp dark eyes, a face that looked like it was carved by the goddesses itself but the door closed stopping that vague interaction. With the turn of his heel, he headed down the hallway.

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