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Two weeks passed filled with rehearsals, and fittings. The first night of the starting of tour was three days, 73 hours which went by very slowly according to the rockstar who groaned for the billionth time on his couch.

"What's the time again?" Yuta asks brushing his now semi-long strawberry-colored hair from his face. He liked the color a lot and often found himself playing with it in the mirror.

His friend Mark was pouring drinks for the two as they waited for more people to come. It was a pre-tour pre-celebratory party that was held every time Yuta had a tour it was a tradition that led them drinking expensive champagne while eating expensive food that wouldn't fit them.

Mark walked towards him with two drinks in hand "It's only 8:30 calm down."

"Thanks." Yuta takes the glass drinking the honey-colored fizzy drink in one go.

Mark shook his head "Dude calm down you have the whole night." He chuckles taking a sip of his drink.

The party didn't start till ten which gave him the perfect time to change his outfit. It was just his team the people who were going to be with him on this adventure once again.

He once changed again while having a bottle of champagne with him, he prefers whiskey but once in a while, he liked the smoothness of the alcohol. His new outfit consisted of loose colored dress pants leather jeans and a silky red shirt that matched the color of his hair. He looked in the mirror while fixing his hair he wondered if Azira liked it even though she did it.

"Azira." He whispered to himself. He wondered if she would come. He wondered a lot of things especially when it came to her.

Hearing a knock on his front door, a small smile formed on his lips as he exited his room walking down the beige walls and seeing Mark already standing up to open the door.

"I Got it sit your ass down!" Yuta whispered yelled running towards the door a confused Mark who had a half-empty bottle in his hand. "Desperate ass," Mark mumbles walking towards the kitchen and rolling his eyes.

"Shut up." He answers back. Putting on the brightest smile he could muster, he soon opened the door.

His smile almost fell. Almost. There in front of him was his team holding a bunch of gifts and alcohol. "Come in, come in." Yuta steps aside so they can walk in "Glad you could make it."

"We wouldn't miss your parties for the world." Somi smiles while holding a bottle of expensive wine "We never miss your parties." Tyra adds while holding gifts. Jaehyun stood behind them going all out like usual.

Entering the house they greeted Mark with ease since they already knew him. "I already opened a bottle!" He shouts over the loud music already pouring drinks for the people who just came.

Yuta quietly escaped where he knew that no one would find him and just sat there on the patio while looking at the dark sky with a bottle in his hand once again. The band still hasn't arrived nor has a certain make-up artist.

Speaking of make-up artists. He texted Azira a week ago about the party telling her the time and place. She responded with a short I'll be there and that was the last he heard from her. at that moment he learned she wasn't much of a texter or talker.

With him being busy with rehearsals, he never could come up with some ideas to get them to hang out. Azira was hopefully going to be at the party which made him nervous.

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