twenty- four

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Concerts in Atlanta felt like a blur to Yuta his thoughts often drifting elsewhere. He wasn't focused on the concert. Whenever he forgot a line or went flat on a note he would easily cover it up by pointing his mic to his fans.

His mind was on her. It was starting to make perfect sense from his observations and curious questions. Something from Azira's past was a very sensitive topic for her which is why whenever she saw something that reminded her of that person her mood would immediately turn sad which is probably why she wasn't saying much today just keeping herself occupied or better yet distracting herself.

Yuta had a feeling that she wasn't in the mood which is why he didn't bother her nor asked a lot of questions because he wanted to give her some space.

Plus he was not about to mess up the small progress he'd made with her with his curiosity so he just waited till she was ready to tell him herself because trusted and believed he's already asked if she was okay but she only replied with a quiet I'm fine and barely spoke after that.

It was around eleven and Yuta was beyond tired from the concert but it was worth it just seeing his fans happy made the tiredness worth it even though he knew it would affect him in the long run.

Now he lay in the comfort of his many covers watching spirited away for the billionth time. there was just something about Studio Ghibli movies that hit differently.

It was around when the movie was almost finished when someone knocked on his door. Yuta sat up confused normally he wouldn't get anybody knocking on his door at this time or at all.

The only time someone would knock on his door was to go head over to the stadium, practice over songs, remind him about the vocal session he had later in the day, and go through fittings. Most of the time hardly anyone checks on him, other than Azira.

Walking to the door he opened the door revealing someone he wasn't expecting. Azira stood in front of him red puffy eyes haunting her strikingly beautiful features.

Azira didn't say anything the sounds of her sniffling, and silent tears falling down her face.  "Wanna talk about it?" He asked guiding the distraught female into the room and gently closing the door behind him. Azira nodded wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"Need a hug first?" He asked as the movie now ended heading on to play another movie My Neighbor Totoro. Azira nodded once again welcoming his warm embrace.

His mother always told him that hugs are the best medicine so why not give it a try. He whispered sweet nothings as he felt her getting calmer and calmer.

They sat next to each other the movie was long over but neither of them paid attention, "Um how do I say this in the most non-emotional way ever." She laughed wiping a few more tears.

"Today is the anniversary of my father's passing." Azira faintly smiled trying to portray the fact that she was okay but in fact, she was not. Losing your father, let alone a parent is one of the hardest things someone has to ever go through and she wouldn't wish it on her enemies.

"Let it out I can tell you're holding it in. Let it out," He whispered hugging her as she did just as he said. She let out all the feelings she's been keeping in which was rather unhealthy. All the tears came out leaving her feeling better.

Her silent cries soon turned into soft snores. He continued comforting Azira despite her already falling asleep as long as she felt better that was all that mattered.

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