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"I'm thinking all black, but wouldn't that make me look angsty?" Yuta looked at his reflection through the bathroom vanity while looking at Azira. Azira was busy blow-drying his freshly dyed hair, styling the soft shampoo-smelling curly waves into something that'll look good for his interview.

"You already look angsty Yuta." She quietly mused continuing to style his hair, messing with a few gel strands until she saw that it looked good. They had exactly forty minutes to leave the hotel. A car was already waiting for them outside as Yuta had a radio interview. Due to the tour ending very soon, there were a lot of promo and interviews Yuta had to do, a few being in Japan. they always asked the usual questions like who's his favorite Western artist? who would he like to collaborate with? who's he dating? questions he answered with vague questions because he didn't care for them. It was the same as usual.

"Since you're the ambassador for Louis Vuitton why not wear the blue monogram Jacquard sweater?" Azira suggested cleaning up around her. "You'll look good in it." She remembered when he wore it once and thought it looked good against his skin tone.

Yuta turned around smiling, "You might be into something." He said. He liked his hair a lot now, the dark black looks good on him, as well as the subliminal dark purple streaks. It was extra and very last minute but he liked it.

"Let's go, Roycems blowing up your phone like crazy." Azira handed him his phone, the message notifications going on and off from how much his manager was texting him. He knew how nervous Royce got whenever it came to interviews since he liked talking a lot about anything he wanted. "Could we go get food afterward? I'm starving." He asks rummaging through his suitcase finding the sweater Azira was talking about putting on him, quickly grabbing his shoes as well.

"I promised, so yes." Azira was already ready looking at her watch and then at Yuta who was busy walking around the hotel room while talking. She had to grab him by the hand for him to finally be able to leave the room. "I'm in the mood for Udon, Miso Soup, and Shabu Shabu, so could we get it?" He asked once they were out of the hotel room.

"We'll get everything Yuta." Azira simply answers walking down the hallway Yuta following along. "But what I'm in the mood for is for you to walk faster so you don't end up being late for your interview." She urges in a playful tone wondering if he noticed his phone still going off.

"Finally, there you guys are," Royce says once he sees them walking down the lobby. "Like the hair." He complimented noticing the different colors.

Yuta smiled, "Thank you, adding purple was my idea." He adds, running a hand through his hair ruining all of Azira's hard work as she sighed shaking her head. "Of course, it was" He hums, "Now let's go."

They entered the car, the driver taking a turn heading over to downtown. The car ride was rather short, arriving at the radio station and seeing vans and cameramen. A small crowd of fans was screaming and the volume increased even louder when they saw the car pulling up. Yuta appeared to love the sound and crowd waving at his fans smiling widely at those who showed up to see him. Azira winced from the loud sound bringing a hand to her ear while no one was watching. guards were already there doing their best to hold back fans and move the cameras so the artist and team could have all the space they needed to entire the building.

Yuta waved to fans who weren't being shoved back keeping his head down.

"Your fans are very excited to see you," Royce says once they are safely inside the building. The screams and cheers dulled down the moment the glass doors closed but Yuta was still looking at his fans waving.

"Hello, welcome to Osaka radio station." A woman walked up to them, smiling deep dimples forming, "Please follow me this way Mr. Nakamoto and his guests." She said referring to down the hall. The woman continued talking briefly showing them around. "So this is where you'll be." She points to a glass door that's said Downtown F.M. Looking through the glass windows Azira could see people inside with headsets and microphones in front of them. Yuta thought this would be easy as pie since this wasn't the first interview he'd done.

Yuta eventually entered the radio station, "I hope I'm not late." He asks sweetly, and the host looks at him greeting him, "Nope, you're just in time." Her voice was kind yet assertive.

"Glad to hear that, how are you guys?" Yuta shook their hands before sitting down in a seat. Royce and Azira sat on a clear stool watching him from the glass window. "We're doing great over here." Mina smiled. They weren't on the air yet but in a few seconds, they will be.

This wasn't Yuta's first time at a radio station. they'll do small talk, the intro would play, and Mina would introduce him as their surprise special guest for the afternoon. "Hello, Osaka." Mina had what others would say was the perfect voice for being a radio host. Soft and engaging it would have listeners excited to tune in any day. "I'm your host Mina and today we have a surprise guest and based on the crowd of fans we have outside today I'm pretty sure some of you guys know." She chuckled and that's when Yuta knew it was his turn to speak.

"Let us welcome Yuta!" Mina reveals and the other radio hosts clap as they greet him. Yuta smiled leaning closer to the microphone, "Hello to all my fans out there, it feels great to be here."

"So Yuta." Mina began, "Since your tour is coming to an end we're wondering—the fans have been wondering what's next? What have you been up to lately in terms of music?"

Yuta immediately knew what the question was going to be already being used to them, "For now I've been focusing on finishing the tour and making sure I put on the best show for my fans, and as for music I've been working on something while being on the road and experimenting with new sounds."

"New sounds?" One of the radio hosts asks, "Could you tell us more about it?"

Yuta pretended as if he were thinking about it before answering, "Let's just say it's a surprise." He answers in a vague tone hoping to get his point across. The radio host nodded while other hosts took the opportunity to ask more questions.

"Alright, enough about music. Let's talk about your fans." Mina changes the subject but switches off her cards. "As of now, we've been getting a lot of questions being sent in." She pulled out a table the screen projecting onto the screen that was above them. "Let's see them," Yuta says turning his seat around.

"So a couple of weeks ago photos were circulating on Twitter." Mina hints at clicking on a tweet. Yuta looked at the picture it was blurry but he could make out the jacket he was wearing and the woman he'd been with. "Everyone is dying to know who's this mystery person could it be your significant lover?" She gushed.

Yuta looked at the picture a little bit longer before answering, "Just a friend." He vaguely answered as the hosts looked at him not expecting that kind of answer.

"Well, there you have it folks the mystery person is just a friend." Mina easily took hold of the interview once again changing the subject. Soon after he answered a few calls from fans and some questions regarding elsewhere than his personal life and after thirty minutes the interview was over.

"The interview went great," Royce says once Yuta walks out of the room. Azira smiled, "Yeah, it went great." A part of her thought about the whole photo with her and Yuta and thank god it was a blurry one but quickly pushed that thought away.

"Alright, let's go I'm hungry." Yuta was already walking down the hallway Azira and Royce following behind him. "But what about —"

"You can't work on an empty stomach Royce." Both Azira and Yuta said at the same time before chucking.

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