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mini time skip

The tour was officially over. No one was sad about it as they spent their time together dwelling on the happy moments while spending one last time with the crew.

They said their goodbyes and Azira thanked everyone on the staff for making her year worthwhile. Although she's missed the tangy smell of her apartment lobby and the quietness of his apartment she's gonna miss the thrill of being on tour. She even thanked Naomi for letting her have this opportunity in the first place.


L is for the way you look at me

Azira moved along to the music pretending as if she were dancing with someone, opening the curtains in her living room and allowing all sunlight to peek in.

O is for the only one I see

She twirled around laughing during the process. She doesn't know why but something came over her and she just felt overly happy.

"V is very, very extraordinary." She sang along grabbing a pillow and dancing with it. "E is even more than anyone that you adore —"

The sound of someone knocking on her door stopped her movements quickly dropping the pillow. Smoothing down her hoodie she peeked through the peephole, immediately opening the door and smiling, "Hi."

Yuta doesn't know why he was there but something told him to just go over to Azira's alone...without his driver waiting for him. He just really wanted to see her.

He looked down smiling, "Hi."

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