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Days quickly passed by, from vocals lessons, to sound checks, wardrobe fits, dropping tour dates on social media, and just in two weeks, he'll start the first night of his show. Which meant he had to quit his partying and sleeping in and begin to act more professionally. He had to stop his bad habits if he wanted to be in tip-top shape for the tour. It was a bit not normal for him to be waking up at seven am the sun welcoming him making him miss his soft bed already.

"Good morning yuta nice seeing you this early." his driver looked in the rearview mirror smiling at the male.

Yuta merely nodded still tired from previous events opening a bottle of water and downing it instantly "I'm thirsty." He notices how the driver looked at him surprised that he chose water instead of whiskey.

"Different." The driver simply says after following the unfamiliar location the rockstar texted him. Usually, he would text him all sorts of locations to fancy places filled with snobbish people, but the fancy buildings soon turned into nice-looking apartments parking on the side.

Yuta smiled "Wait for me." He said before closing the door. He ran his hands through his long hair he needed a trim and a re-dye he'd had the same two-toned color for almost a year.

He needed a change.

That's the reason he was there. Walking up the quiet steps smelling something a bit tangy. He looked around noticing it was nice.

Yuta doesn't really know why he came here but the apartment number reminded him, he finally gained the courage and knocked on the door.

"Yuta?" Azira asked completely confused and surprised as to why the man was there. Last time she checked on the schedule which was last night they didn't have anything to do today.

Then why the hell is he here?

The rockstar simply grinned "Aren't you going to let me in." His deep voice filled the once quiet cream halls. "Azira," He says slowly watching her look at him with a surprised look.

Azira just nodded stepping aside, completely confused as to why he was here "Shouldn't this be illegal?"

"And do you know where I live?" She asked as she watched him.

His lips formed into that grin she'd grown annoyed by as he faced her  "I know where all the people who work for me live." He answers simply "And it's not illegal if I didn't kidnap you."

"Right." Azira sarcastically mutters not surprised of course he'd know where she lives "So what do you want?" She didn't mean to sound rude but if someone comes to your place unannounced you would too.

"You're my make-up artist," Yuta says playing with a strand of the fading blond he needed a re-dye and a trim he didn't want to let go of his long hair just yet. "Go put on some shoes." He orders Azira who is just standing, she rolls her eyes and puts on some random pair of sneakers.

"Makeup artist not hairstylist. Am I at least getting paid?" She asked as they exited out the apartment locking the door swiftly, waking down the tangy-smelling staircase. Yuta shook his head "I thought of this as a way we can get to know each other."

Azira tried to stifle a laugh from what Yuta just told her and assumed "Sure." He was slightly offended by her statement but shrugged it off by saying "We'll get to know each other eventually."

She ignored him as they walked to the limo that was waiting patiently. Yuta already got in scooting over to give space to the already frowning female. The driver set his phone down and looked at the two passengers.

Azira got in and sat on the comfortable seats feeling immediately uncomfortable, as she wasn't used to fancy limos. "Good morning." She greets quietly to the driver receiving a small nod.

"Where to sir?" The driver asked already driving. Yuta then began to recite an address to a nearby corner store, thankfully the driver knew his way around the city.

He looked out the window feeling a bit excited. hopefully, he'll get to know more about the quiet make-up artist, it'll be a lot of work but it'll be interesting. The driver stopped by the corner store making Azira look up. "Let's go," Yuta said to the frowning female.

"Should I wait for you?" His driver asks.

"No," Yuta said looking at the still frowning female who quickly draped her hoodie over her head "We'll walk from here." The driver nodded driving away leaving the two of them alone.

Putting on her poor disguise of a hat, and sunglasses, the two walked into the store. Yuta grabbed a cart, as Azira looked elsewhere. He walked past the aisle filled with food entering the aisle that was filled with cosmetics, and feminine products finally stopping at the hair dye section. "So I'm thinking blue." He spoke out looking at the varieties of different colors of blue. "Blue?" She repeated the look on her face saying otherwise.

Yuta sighed putting the box back "Well what color then." Azira didn't say anything as she began to look at colors, all she had to do was look for a color that would already perfect his already perfect face.

She glanced at him already knowing which shade to pick "This." She hands the box to him waiting for an answer.

Yuta looked at the box, thinking a bit. Red. It wasn't the idea he had in his mind but you only live once "I like it." He smiled before dropping the box in the basket and began walking to another aisle. Azira smiled but only for a moment and followed the male. "The last thing on our list are snacks."

Azira didn't say anything as he held them to the snack aisle. She looked at the colorful snacks wondering when was the last time she just ate junk food. Normally she'd call tangerines a snack other than that she didn't care much for the greasy goods.

"What do you have in mind?" Azira asked she just wanted to do nothing more than to home eat a large bowl of cereal and watch movies but nope she was in a store unprepared because of the one and only. He only shrugged "Nothing, just take whatever you like."

Azira sighed and grabbed a large bag of Ruffles and a large strawberry Fanta, dropping it in the basket before stepping back.

Yuta looked at her with a playful smirk "That's it? What a chicken." He playfully teases dumping more chip bags in the basket.

Azira looked at him "Me a chicken? I'll show you who's a chicken." She then began dumping random gummies, candies, chips she thought looked good in the basket. He smiled she was starting to get more lenient around him, since the whole time she looked like she wanted the ground to open and swallow her up.

He smiled once again, grabbing more soda cans watching the make-up artist add more snacks to the cart, she even looked at the rockstar smiling as well.

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