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"What if it's closed?" Yuta asks while Azira continues to drag him down the quiet streets of Toronto.

"They aren't and I know that for a fact." Yes, she used Google for this. "And loosen up a bit. Have you never been on a late-night deli raid?"

"I'm a celebrity remember, I can't go to places late at night as I please without the risk of getting mobbed." He reminded in an obvious tone which Azira simply shrugged off, "You sound like Royce and so what? When it comes to me you're not a celebrity and I shall give you the finest treatment of late-night fun, Miami style."

"I still can't believe you've never had the urge to go out in the middle of the night get snacks and end up doing dumb shit afterward, thank god you have me." Azira boasts and this time the both of them laughed at that.

"Slow down!" He yelled as Azira dragged him into the deli/mini grocery store.

They entered the store looking at the cashier Azira smiled but you couldn't see Yuta's face due to him wearing a mask. Azira was already in aisles grabbing random amounts of things while Yuta looked at her as if she was crazy.

"You guys still open?" The cashier laughed before pointing to the glowing sign, "We never close." Yuta nodded upon hearing his name be called by Azira.

Yuta wandered over to the snake aisle where Azira probably had two large backs of various candies "Get a basket loser, we're going shopping." Yuta shook his head grabbing a basket near them. She dumped all the candy in the basket before running to grab sodas.

"My nutritionist is gonna kill me." He mumbles watching as she grabs three large bags of chips.

"Who cares! The night is still young and so are you, a little sugar rush wouldn't kill." Yuta playfully rolled his eyes as he was dragged to the cash register.

"Alright, let's see. Can I have ten samosas, two large burritos, eight mozzarella sticks with dipping sauce, large key lime pie to share?" The girl at the cash register's eyes opened wide before nodding, " Gotcha."

"Are you crazy?" He whispered. Azira nodded simply placing a kiss on his cheek to which Yuta blushed deeply.

"Like you're not crazier than I am, and this is just the beginning." Yuta watched as everything got cashed out Azira before adding a king-sized Hershey's dark chocolate and mint chocolate bar.

"Do you have like thirty-two cents?" Yuta sighed pulling out a hundred-dollar bill and placing it on the counter, "That should do it. Keep the change." They waved goodbye to the cashier before leaving the store.

It wasn't until then the cashier realized that the person who was just in the store was the singer Yuta and she'd only then recognized him by his voice and then when the girl called his name "Oh my god!"

Meanwhile, Yuta followed a hyperactive azira "Where to next?" He asked. Azira simply looked at him, "We're gonna watch a screening of Mean Girls!"

It was gonna be a long night. A very long fun night filled with samosas, sugar highs, screening of Mean Girls just for the both of them.

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