Chapter Twelve

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Thank you for 3k i'll try and update moreeee 😌 I'm really sorry for not updating for so long but i'm trying to stay caught up with schoolwork so I don't have much free time😅

Tine's POV

I walked across the road, after for checking for cars, and raised my hand to knock on the passenger seat window. (Stop, Look, Listen guys 😌)

"Um... Type?"

Slowly the window began winding down creating an awful screeching sound. I was left with the less than pleased face of my older brother.

"Tine!" He gritted out through his teeth.

"Actually? You know what? Know that I think of it I left freezer on in the fish tank and if I don't go turn it off poor.. um.. Susan will die!"

However unfortunately my genius distraction somehow didn't work and Type just gave me a withering glare.

I would have ran. But he is TERRIFYING.

Smiling sheepishly I opened the passenger door and got inside, reluctantly shutting the door behind me.

As soon as I got in he turned to me with worry all over his face.

"Where were you! Did you get kidnapped? Did someone try and hurt you?! If they did then I will hunt them down!" He questioned.

Now I'm not sure why but since I was young Types always been overprotective of me. As far as I know there's no specific reason after I turned 10 he seemed to get cautious and worried about every little thing.

I mean I'm glad to know he cares but he really does go overboard sometimes.

"No, I'm fine don't worry. Besides who would try and kidnap me? I was ✨incognito✨" I said winking like a total professional. (It totally didn't look like my eyes were glitching)

"I actually hate you." He rolled his eyes.

In response I simply finger gunned. Because finger guns just express all the emotions I wanted to show😌.


When we got back to the palace I was greeted with Fong running towards me.

"Hey... I heard that Ohm just kind of ditched you there..." He panted, trying to catch his breath, "Honestly he's such a dick... but I just wanted to... make sure you're okay!"

"Of course I'm ok!" I smiled back. "How could I not be? I'm the amazing and fabulous Prince Tine Teepakorn *flips hair*"

Fong pushed my shoulder lightly, "I really don't know why I worry sometimes."

I just laughed, as Fong's face furrowed in concentration, as though he'd just thought of something.

"Hold on-" He asked confusion painted on his face, "where did you stay overnight?"

"Ha ha ha ha. You're so funny Fong! So amusing! Now let's go discuss your hilarious joke somewhere else!"

But alas, it was too late.

Type turned, a menacing expression on his face. "Where DID you stay Tine?"

I scoffed awkwardly, "Just you know, at a hotel."

"What. Hotel. Time." He gritted out.

"I can't exactly remember the name? But I promise that's not because I was like drunk or anything." Casual. I think I covered that pretty well.

"Tine. Are you kidding me. Do you think I'm stupid."

"Of course not my beloved brother." I smiled in an attempt to flatter him into calming down.

"Then where were you. And how did you get there if Ohm left you?"

"Well it's a bit hazy you know? I'm sure some well meaning citizen helped me, because I woke up in a hotel room with all my clothes intact."

"Tine. You have always been a shit liar. This could be a potential threat it's not something to joke about!" Type said, stress seeping into his tone of voice.

"You're a prince! You're not an ordinary person! This 'well meaning citizen' of yours could have been planning your death for the past 5 years and we wouldn't have a clue!" He lectured, this continuing for quite a while.

As Type continued to speak I turned to Fong, and whispered under my breath "What did happen to Ohm? Did he get back alright? Because I can't remember exactly what happened with him-"

As discreetly as possible he muttered back, "He actually left with a girl apparently, and when he woke up the dumbass was so hungover he just had to stay in bed."

"I can't say I'm surprised to be honest." I said, turning my attention back to Type whose speech seemed to be drawing to a close.

".....Now I trust you understand the possible severity of this situation and take the proper precautions in the future! You can't go with someone just because they seem nice! You have to be more careful alright!" Type insisted.

"Of course, of course." I said nodding obediently. 

"Good. Now I hope this matter is settled and I won't pry any further as I do respect your privacy," at this I scoffed, "so I hope you act responsibly ok!"

"Yes, yes ok I get ittttt." I whined, fed up of the lecturing.

"Thank you! Now go inside apparently Mother and Father have some news for you. Then get some sleep! You look ridiculously sleep deprived!"

With that Type left in the opposite direction, most likely to go to the family library.

Once Type had left I turned to Fong.

"Alright well I think I have to go now but I'll see you later my dear friend~" I smiled mischievously.

Fong just laughed and waved me off as I headed towards the palace.


Sorry for not updating in so long but I hope i'll be able to update more frequently if i have slightly shorter chapters 😌 thank you again to everyone who's read this~

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