Chapter Three

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Same drill as usual if I make mistakes feel free to correct meeee :))

Tine's POV:

"P'Ti~" Kelaya wined, waving her stubby hands at me.

"What is it?" I asked, internally cooing at how cute my baby sister was.

"Uppppp~" She begged doing grabby hands at me. (You know like when little kids kinda just do that)

"Hmmmm" I hummed, pretending to consider it, "I'm not sure Kel I'm soooo tired~"

She pouted, disappointment evident on her face. Awwww how could I say no to her!

"Just kidding Kel come here." I chuckled.

Her little face lit up gleefully and she half threw herself at me, nuzzling her face into my neck. Damn she's really stealing all my uwus today.

We finally arrived at the throne room doors. I heaved them open, which was a particularly difficult challenge as I was carrying Kelaya who insisted on clinging onto me.

We stepped inside, Kelaya jumped out of my arms immediately upon seeing our mother (that traitor). My parents then beckoned me forward as I simply stood after the shock of betrayal from my supposedly sweet baby sister.

Honestly I take back everything I said about her earlier. Gosh what a little traitor. (Don't worry he is just kidding- he has a great relationship with all his family members)

"Ahem." My father cleared his throat as I noticed I had totally spaced out.

"Oh right sorry father." I said sheepishly, once again rubbing the back of my neck.

"I heard from Ohm that you're going out tonight?" Well damn. There are no secrets anymore I guess.

"Well yeah?" I mumbled awkwardly, how do I respond to that? There are two ways this could go you know. One, my parents are so shocked they just stop working. And two, they decide it's far too dangerous and lock me in a tower. (Rapunzel who?)

My mother clapped her hands together happily, Kelaya on her lap clapping just as gleefully.

Jeez why is everyone so chuffed about this. They're acting like I have no social life and I feel quite  offended not gonna lie.

My fathers face lightened immensely as he grinned at me with equal enthusiasm. Not him too.

"My son is growing up." He said with a fake melancholy tone whilst wiping nonexistent tears from his eyes.

I think this is entire family is just full of drama queens.

"Father, you act like I never leave the palace grounds!" I said indignantly, attempting to defend myself.

Raising his eyebrows he looked at me skeptically. "Uh huh and when did you last go out?"

Well. I mean. He's not wrong. But it still hurts.

I choose to stay silent and he simply nods at me. "See."

Damn I'm getting nothing but bullied.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, did you guys just call me through here to bully me?"

My parents just laughed at me. Wow. I feel such disrespect.

"We just wanted to let you know that we are currently organising a treaty with the Lupare kingdom."

Widening my eyes I questioned, "Really? Wow. But we've been on bad terms with them for such a long time!"

Our kingdoms have always had quite a petty relationship. No one is too sure how it began but generations have continued it out of habit. There have never been any actual arguments, only snide comments and petty remarks.

Chuckling at my surprised expression, "I know it might be surprising but I am a relatively good king, son, and I want to try and make our bond with the Lupare kingdom as strong as possible. Considering their military strength and all."

I nodded, well I mean it makes sense so I see no issue with that.

Then my father waved his hand, dismissing me. Well I guess that's that.

Turning around and waving bye, making sure to mouth the word traitor at Kelaya, I left the throne room to go start getting ready for tonight.


I hope my writing style is alright cuz i've attempted to fix it but i'm not sure if it works 😅😂 i'm pretty sure i keep switching tenses as well so i'm really sorry about that (also everything in bold is an authors note so even if somethings in brackets unless it's bold it is Tine's thoughts)

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