Chapter Sixteen

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Tine's POV

The first wave of people to arrive were rather loud in comparison to most royals I'd met but they seemed very friendly.

"Greetings Your Highness, I remember when you were just a boy, oh how you've grown!" One of the many elderly duchesses fussed, fondly patting my cheek before moving on to speak with my parents.

To be completely honest I have absolutely no memory of that woman. But that appears to be the case with so many of the Royals I have to meet.

I had no idea how many people I'd already met as the line outside the entrance slowly dwindled down.

Finally there were very few people left to greet before the party could officially commence.

Stepping forward were the King and Queen of Lupare and, I believe, their children.

There's always been a rather petty rivalry between the two Kingdoms but, based on what I had seen only a week ago, this rivalry had diminished and would possibly turn to friendship.

This time my parents went to greet the family first whilst Type and I just hovered, Kel being held in our mother's arms.

The Lupare family actually had three children much like my own, however I had found that quite odd seeing as only four people stood before us.

Curious, I began to guess which of the brothers I would first meet, seeing as the identity of the daughter was fairly obvious to say the least.

Tuning back in I saw my father turn slightly and usher us over.

Bowing slightly to the King and Queen, I introduced myself with the best mannersI could muster, despite having already met them. Type did the same but continued his conversation onto the discussion of current politics which I had no interest in.

Smiling at the young man in front of me I held my hand out to shake his. "You've likely already heard, but I am Prince Tine Teepakorn and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He smiled widely, his eyes slightly creasing at the action, "I am Prince Phukong Guntithanon, and I reciprocate the pleasure felt upon our meeting."

I could tell this punk was mocking my formality by the hint of mischief easily detected in his bright eyes.

Rolling my eyes I went to speak to the other sibling, the youngest, but not without sticking my tongue out slyly at Prince Phukong.

His eyes widened and he giggled slightly, covering his mouth enough for it to be confused with a light cough.

A small smile on my face, I knelt down slightly, "Hi it's very nice to meet you, Your Highness. My name is Prince Tine Teepakorn. What's yours?"

The young princess smiled at me sweetly, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is Princess Sara Guntithanon of Lupare."

Slightly shocked by the child impeccable manners I simply grinned happily, "Well I hope we get along well then."

Giggling lightly she nodded before her family moved on.

Whilst they walked into the ballroom and where formally announced, I saw the Prince, Phukong, turn around and flip me the middle finger. Honestly, kids these days~

In all fairness I knew he held no ill intent and it was only some harmless messing around so I didn't bother to retaliate this time.


Finally we had greeted all the nobles in attendance and we could relax.

Or, well, my family could. I had unfortunately recently lost a bet to my idiotic friends.

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