Chapter Nine

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Hiiiiii sorry it's taken me so long to update 😅 I had some family stuff going on and school was keeping me busy as well but i hope this makes up for it~

Tine's POV

There is absolutely NO WAY I will share a bed with him. I'm not drunk enough for this shit.

Besides just because he seems nice so far doesn't mean he's not some creepy pervert! What if he's secretly been stalking me and plans on killing me in this hotel room!

I'm too pretty for that! Imagine if no one would get to see my beautiful face again, honestly the world would never recover (O_O).

Upon realising this I 'leaped' off the bed. By leaped I mean a more 'half-stumble-that-may-or-may-not-have-involved-me-tripping-on-my-own-feet' sort of thing.

Wat looked over in mild concern, however as soon as he saw me half on the bed-half on the floor, he burst into laughter. Seriously what a bully. (^_^)

"Wattttttt you should help me! Not laugh." I pouted, actually when I think about it, I've been doing a lot of pouting today and it's all his fault.

What if my face gets stuck like this and I look like some weird duck hybrid forever?

How can I be Mr. Chic then? (Yes I have given myself a nickname)

But seriously! What if my adorable, pretty, handsome, beautiful, cutest of all time, face IS stuck like this? Imagine! It would be a true tragedy, *wipes tear*

Wat's voice brought me out of my thoughts as he said, "Need any help?" Before bursting back into laughter.

It's honestly not that funny! I hurt my poor back by falling :(

"Hey! Stop laughing and help me saraleo!" I yelled indignantly. (No I do not speak Thai but I cant get rid of Tine's iconic saraleo~)

Seeing Wat only increase in his laughing fit, I attempted to free myself, only to end up far more tangled than I was before.

I simply resigned myself to my fate and closed my eyes, accepting I would be trapped in a blanket cocoon for the rest of my life.

I guess this is it for me. I'm now one with the bedsheets~ They are part of me. We are one.

I heard Wat's laughing fit slowly end as a hand wrapped around my arm and lifted me up with so much force I almost went flying.

My eyes snapped open as I felt myself, still restrained by a fluffy, blanketey mess, being propelled forward.

I almost let out a shriek as I landed right in the middle of the bed.

Clearly Wat had extended too much force into picking me up as he was dragged down by my weight.

Landing on my body, I felt all of the air being knocked out of me.

Luckily he managed to stop himself from slamming his head straight into mine by placing his hands next to my head.

Still in shock both of us stayed where we were until we realised how compromising the position was. My face instantly turned a dark shade of red. Honestly I'm blushing far too easily today!

"U-u-um Wat? Can you get off please?" I muttered, not needed to raise my voice as his face was less than 4 inches from mine.

Wat's eyes widened, as though just figuring out the way we were situated.

Currently I was lying on my back on the bed, still wrapped in blankets, as his hands rested on either side of my head and his legs were on either side of mine.

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