Chapter Seventeen

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Tine's POV

I heard a sultry voice above me, belonging to none over than the man currently gripping my arm. "Don't worry baby you can bump into me anytime."

Slowly looking up I was met with rather familiar brown eyes, but I couldn't quite place the owner as the majority of their face was covered by a dark blue mask covered in elaborate black embellishments.

"I.. Um do I know you...?" I tried smiling weakly up at him.

The man's eyes lit up in amusement.

"Hmmm I suppose not, I must have mistaken you for someone else." I heard an unseeming, to say the least, choking noise come from behind him, and saw 3 young men almost keeling over whilst the girl next to them aggressively hit one on the back.

"Uh... are they ok?" I questioned in slight concern, still with my arm in that man's grip whilst I aggressively dabbed his jacket.

"Don't worry, they're perfectly fine," He smiled, pulling an almost pained smile as the laughter of those behind him doubled in volume, "But what isn't fine is my, well outfit, unfortunately."

"Perhaps we could discuss how you could repay me in a more private location," He smiled, releasing my arm as his hand moved to mine, pulling it from his overall self. "In fact you could simply accompany me now as I ought to go change from my current clothes, if that works for you?"

I heard a hushed whisper from one of his, I'm assuming, friends, "Damn check out that game, Boss you should really take notes." Before they burst into another, but thankfully quieter, fit of laughter.

Slightly suspicious I looked to my friends behind me who simply shrugged gesturing to the sexy specimen before me.

I mean if this is how I die then I wouldn't mind his eyes being the last thing I see.

They really do look familiar though, I just really can't place them. I mean I suppose brown eyes aren't exactly rare, but still.

Turning back, I nodded slightly awkwardly at the man and he began leading us away from the hall.

It must have been a rather odd sight, an obvious noble leading a 'servant boy' away by the hand whilst covered from head to toe in red wine.

Well I mean there's been weirder to roam our halls~

In complete honesty I'm still not sure how he managed it, but the man managed to find the way to his room rather easily from where we originally where.

A rather impressive feat, seeing as I so often get lost and I ACTUALLY live here.

However we came to a stop in front of his door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Here, the hallways appeared to be practically deserted of any other guests, though I suppose that's understandable seeing as the party is still, no doubt in full swing.

The click of the door alerted me to the fact this sexy beast of a man was currently inviting me into his room, and I mean who am I to refuse?

Taking in his room, I identified it as one of the more important guest rooms, suggesting his noble standing is likely rather high.

I wonder which family he belongs to? But that's not of any importance now I suppose.

Turning my head slightly, I notice the man observing me, causing my face to flush slightly but I simply ignore it as he speaks.

"Right, it's probably for the best I go for a brief shower, simply to wash off the wine, so you can wait here for a few minutes and then we can discuss my poor clothes."

I simply smile sheepishly and nod and he grabs a towel from the side and heads into the en suite.

The layout of his room is rather simple, a bed in the centre of the back wall, with a bedstand on each side, then a dresser opposite the bed, a TV on top of it, of course. The door to the en-suite being located next to it, a built-in wardrobe to the left, and a large window in the wall opposite.

It was quite obvious the room was simply temporary but it still felt fairly homely.

The bed looked incredibly comfortable from where I stood, simply in the doorway, and whilst there was the option of the small, fancy sofa in the doorway, I'd rather not.

So I simply went and perched on the bed's end, waiting for the man to be done with his shower.

Usually I would play on my phone in these boring situations however unfortunately I had to leave it charging for 'courtesy purposes' or the like.

I'm assuming this man is the same as I could see his phone plugged in charging on the bedstand opposite to where I currently perched.

In all honesty, if the door hadn't opened before I could move, I likely would have tried my luck opening it, but I was snapped back into reality.

Oh. Well. He's... rather naked.

A second towel rested around his shoulders, he'd obviously grabbed the first other towel he had lying around as the original one hung low on his INCREDIBLY chiseled body.

In fact the view I have currently is possibly the best I've ever had.

Although, it is rather odd that he's still wearing his mask.

One would assume he'd remove it for a shower, and it seems likely he has as the only water on it are the droplets dripping from his damp hair, however why go to the effort of putting it back on after?

I guess everyone has their little quirks?

Eh well, his action there may be rather odd but when his abs look like they could easily crush my entire being, then I seem to lose my logic for the most part.

"Uh... excuse me?" His smug voice asked, knowing exactly why I failed to realise he's tried calling me over four times.

"Ah.. yes.. um." I fumble awkwardly, still sat on his plush bed, "I'll allow you to get dressed quickly."

And to show that, I closed my eyes are turned so he could move without worry of accidentally indecently exposing himself.

I heard a slight low chuckle and slow shuffling till it stopped and I opened my eyes.

Only to be met with the hot and familiar stranger's gorgeous deep brown eyes.


Ok i'm so sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger and also for not updating in so long but i hope everyone enjoyed this chapterrrrrr 😌 i also have no intention of dropping this story anytime soon even though there's a possibility of rather slow updates so i'm very sorry :((

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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