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I hesitate before I begin to knock, I pace back forth past the door. I then hear it open stopping me I turn to see Colby. A pit in my stomach appears and words couldn't come out. I could see his mouth moving but for some reason, I couldn't hear. "Ella." He said snapping me out. "Oh sorry, what?" I asked nervously. "I asked what you needed." He said with a smile then looked down at my hands and saw a bag. "What's that?" He pointed. "Can I stay here tonight?" I asked and his eyes widen. "Uhm sure, come in." He said then made way for me to walk through the door. "Sorry to bother you," I say and he scratched the back of his head. "Oh no worries, but mind if I ask why." He said and then I began to tell him. 

"She kissed you?" He asked after I explained the situation. We were both sitting on the edge of his bed. "Yeah, it was very awkward." I say with a slight laugh. "did you kiss her back?" He asked with a jealous tone. "What no." I said and then he nodded.  We sat there in silence for a minute until he broke it. "Well, I was just about to go out for dinner. Wanna come?" He asked. Will it just be us? I got nervous thinking about it. "Yeah sure." I say and then he says, "Sam and his girlfriend will be there too." I then got relieved it wasn't gonna just be just us. "Well let's get going then." He says the hops off the bed to throw on a jacket. I follow behind him shutting the door behind me. As we walk down the hall I get a couple of stares from his friends. Well, this isn't weird at all. 

When we get there Kat greeted me saying how it was good to see me and Colby together again. Even though we aren't. I really do miss what me and him had but I guess he didn't feel the same. "Oh, we aren't together." I say to her and then Colby's head turns to me and then looks at me. I broke eye contact by looking at the menu.  

We all laughed together during dinner, telling silly stories of our childhood. I will admit some of my stories involved my dad and it made me very upset to talk about but I was just trying to have a good time. "I'll pay for you." Colby says as I grab out my wallet. "No, it's fine." I say and he shakes his head, "No I insist." He says and I nod my head allowing him. On the inside, I was smiling like crazy. 

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