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"Thank you for paying." I say to him as we walk out to the car. "Dont worry about it, it's the least I could do." He says then opens the car door for me. I blush at his small kind gesture. Bare minimum. I nod my head thanking him and I sit down into the passenger seat.

The car ride back to his place was quiet, the only
thing making noise was the small sounds coming
from his radio. The silence was finally broken with a
call on his phone. I look away, out of sight out of
mind. He didn't pick it up, he declined it then set his phone back down to focus on the road. "I don't know what to say." He says with a sigh, I watch as he uses one hand turning the wheel. "Me either." I say with a small laugh. He looks over at me and smiles. "Well when you think of something to say just say it." He says and I roll my eyes. I really do want to talk about the situation but I know I'll probably end up crying like a big baby.

"So I can sleep on the floor, you can have my bed." He says to me, throwing a pillow and blanket onto the floor. "It's okay, I don't want you sleeping on the floor. If anything I should. I'm the one who crashed here." I say and he shrugs, "doesn't bother me." He proceeded to lay down, I grabbed his hand stopping him. "Lay with me then." I say looking down, not wanting to look at him. "Are you sure?" He tilts his head looking at me. I nod and scoot over so he has room to lay. He crawls into the bed, pulling the blanket over us. I turn towards the wall and he turns the opposite direction. "Goodnight." I say with a soft gentle voice, not wanting to be loud. "Goodnight." He responded back and then turned off the lights.

AM I BACK FROM THE DEAD?!!???!???!!!!

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