𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟱

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-Ella's P.O.V

I walked outside then took out my phone, my mom has been texting me nonstop about calling her. I sighed then hit her contact to call her. "Hey mom." I said once she answered. "Hey hunny! How's it going?" She asked. "It's going fine." I said because that was the truth, it wasn't going good because I don't really know many people but I was doing fine. "Are you at a party?" She asked but I thought she would be mad but she actually sounds happy about it. "Yeaaaa, my roommate said I should go..." I said unsure about what she was gonna say. "That's great! Are you meeting new people?" She asked. "I mean kinda." I said tapping my fingers on the wood on the porch. "Well that's good, look it's your first day and you've already made a friend." She said talking about Andrea. "Yea mom it's great." I lied. I wasn't sure about how I felt yet, I mean I just got here and doing what I didn't want to do. "Well me and your father miss you." She said and I laughed. "Already? I swear I just left." I said then she chuckled. "You're our kid, of course we're gonna miss you." She said. "Yea, well I miss you guys too." I said. "Make lots of friends! Don't drink! Don't do drugs! No boys!" She said. "Yea yeah mom I get it." I said and let out a low chuckle. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." She said then I looked over by the door and a dude with red hair was leaving against the door with his arms crossed, watching me. "Um I got to go mom." I said. "Okay well text me! I wanna hear about everything!" She said. "Okay I will, love you." I said then hung up.

"Who are you?"

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