𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟵

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I woke up to the sound of someone gagging. I see Andrea throwing up. I get out of bed quickly and run over to her. "Do you need water?" I asked. "Yes please." She said and I grabbed a cup by the sink and filled it up with water. I handed it to her and she drank it slowly then thanked me for it. "Here let me help you up." I said helping her up and walking her to her bed. "Do you have ibuprofen?" I asked and she shook her head. "I'll go get some, you stay here and get some rest. Do you want anything else?" I asked. "Maybe crackers." She said and I nodded grabbing my keys off my dresser. "Be right back." I said and she nodded.

I walked out the door then started to walk down the halls. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking because I was looking at my phone trying to find a store near by. "Oh shit sorry." I said once I ran into someone. "Colby." I said once I looked up and saw it was him. "Hey Ella, you look good." He joked. I was still wearing my pajamas and my hair was hella messy. I was really embarrassed walking out and being seen like this, especially being seen by Colby. I didn't know him but he still asked me out on a date, that I kinda said no too, oops. But this was for Andrea, she needed it. "Haha, yea I need to get stuff for Andrea. She's not feeling too well." I said and he nodded. "Can I come with?" He asked and I nodded.

We walked down the hall and the same girl that was talking to me last night was glaring at me. What the fuck did I do? "Do you know any stores nearby?" I asked Colby. "Yea there is one right down the street." He said and I nodded.

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