𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟰

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I woke up and Colby's arm was wrapped around my waist. I smiled moving myself closer to him. Man I really do like this kid. I saw him stir in his sleep and I moved away. I didn't want it to seem weird if I was that close to him. "Why'd you moveeee I was comfortable." I heard him mumbled and I blushed slightly. "I didn't want to be weird." I said then he groaned and pulled me closer then I was last time. Our noses were basically touching. "Too close?" He asked and I giggled. "Yea just a little." I said. "What do you wanna do today?" I asked sitting up. "Cuddle with you." He said then I looked at him rolling my eyes. I have to admit I was blushing and when he smiled at me it made my cheeks burn up even more. "We should ride the roller coaster." I said and he groaned. "The line is always so long." He said. "So what, please." I said giving him puppy dog eyes. "Fine." He finally gave in and I smiled. "What time is it anyways?" I asked then he turned over to look on his phone. "Uh 3." He said. "Damn we slept awhile." I said then he nodded. "Yea but tonight we're gonna be up late." He said and I nodded. "Where are we gonna go tonight?" I asked and he shrugged. "I know a few places." He said.

As we were waiting in line for the roller coaster Colby kept messing around with my hair to make me mad. "Colbyyy stop." I said as he tugged at it. "I'm boreddd." He complained. "Do something else, don't touch my hair." I said then he laughed. "But your hair is soft." He said. "Well doesn't mean you have to pull it." I said rolling my eyes. "Ella are you a virgin?" He asked out of nowhere. I started to get embarrassed because I am and I know he isn't. "Um why are you asking?" I asked. "Because." He said with a smirk and I started to get nervous. What if something happens when we're here. I mean it's just us. "Ella." He said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yea, yes I am." I let it slip then I felt my cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "Don't be embarrassed." He said. "I'm not." I lied. "Yes you are but it's okay. I'm not gonna judge." He said.

The roller coaster WASNT it. It was fun but it didn't make me feel good. "You good?" Colby asked as I got off, not really being able to stand. "Yea I'm fine." I said then he chuckled. "Let's go get ready for tonight." He said then put his arm around me as we walked back to the hotel.

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