4. Don't mention the name...

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The sun rose above the trees surrounding the clearing, it shone down reflecting off the calm, huge lake. Gentle ripples spread out from its mid-point growing slightly bigger before absorbing back into the mirror-like water. Alex sat at the edge of the lake with his head resting on his knees and eyes focused hard on the view in front of him.

0500 hours into the day (5:00am), was the current time as Alex rocked back and forward desperate to shove away the unforgotten memories that forever, no matter how hard he'd try, would remain flowing in and out of his mind.

*0300 hours - 2 hours before current moment*

*Location = Cabin-11*

Loud snoring, 4. Intakes, 5. Outtakes, 5. Breathing, 5. Constant noise.

Slow untimed rhythms that fell at different times with different heights of noise.

Walrus, laying on his front, hands by his side, legs straight and his head was turned to the side so he could breath, was the loudest and seemed to be in the deepest sleep imaginable, with a light trickle of drool escaping his mouth and plopping down onto his pillow to join a wet patch. 

Wolf actually sounded like he was howling and could only be woken if someone touched him or the snoring, which he was used to, stopped, he was curled up in a ball. 

Snake was in a heavy dream state and made barely a sound apart from a whistling noise that was pissing Alex off. 

Eagle made a light sound that could barely be heard over the snoring, howling and whistling that his teammates produced, he had one arm dangling off the bed as well as one leg shoved out of the covers. Alex was wide awake, he didn't want to fall asleep and end up in a dooming nightmare to which he will just wake up anyway.

He slipped out, closing the door as he went and headed light footed towards the tree line. In the direction of the lake. He brushed past the trees and came to the clearing around the lake.

Alex walked closer to it and sat down, this is where he remained until 5:00am

*Back to current time (0501 hours or, in other words, 5:01am)*

He got up and walked back to camp, Alex's posture fallen a slight bit but was normally upright. He slowly opened the cabin door and slipped in. Eagle was awake but the rest were asleep.

"Hey Jaguar." a slurred voice talked

"Eagle." Alex nodded. "how'd you sleep?"

"Meh, you?"

"Same as you. And why are you being kind to me... isn't it normally, grrr noise, cubbiwubbykinns or double o' nothing?"

"I want a new start, be kind to you and respect you," Eagle started, "And if what MI6 says is true that your their best agent then you have a good chance at beating us in training."

Alex tilted his head and sat down on his rock hard bed (AN: I know, I know. It rhymes! I totally knew it did, totally didn't take me ages to figure out) "You really mean that last part?"

"A bit, no not at all. I will beat you in shooting." Eagle smirked.

"Oh really, challenge accepted." they leant across to shake hands.

A low groan was made from the other side of the room coming from snake, who sat bolt upright a moment later "Are we late?" he asked in surprise.

"Nah, it's only 0509 hours, we have till 0630 to eat. From there we have half the day to have 'bonding time' with Jaguar."

Alex Rider - You Left MeWhere stories live. Discover now