14. Eagle's mountaineering

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i could name this chapter different ways!

Idea 1 (Eagle's mountaineering)
Idea 2 (a strange 
occurrence from the one and only grumpy Wolf)
Idea 3 (pesky 'beast')
Idea 4 (In which Alex falls asleep way to quickly for any human being at the end)
Idea 5 (mess hall food is worse than shrew germs)

so um i hope you got the memo from that ^ ..... prepare for some writing about nonsense :)

Eagle's mountaineering

Alex was awake most of the night, the time he spent asleep only lasted mere seconds at a time as he was reluctant to succumb to the deep pit of dreams which were mainly nightmares.

As he became more and more drowsy and the light of the moon hid behind clouds, his notebook and pen long forgotten on the pillow, sleep overwhelmed him and only an hour later came sweet bird song... and no that doesn't include the screeching from Eagle.

"MOUSE! HELP OH MY GOD A MOUSE!" Eagle clambered from his bed to Wolf's, feet never touching the floor in an attempt to escape the rather cute creature that wasn't a mouse, it was a shrew but hey, who's to judge a terrified SAS soldier... this author.

By now the whole unit was awake and if it wasn't from the screaming then it was from Eagle clambering over them. If you were to ask if Eagle had stepped on anything but beds since he woke up then the answer would be no. I'm sure Wolf and Snake's faces can back that up.

Alex sighed again as the shrew hid behind yet another object and Eagle moved onto the now furthest bed from the little creature. Alex was the only one making an effort to catch the mouse, Wolf said he would get it himself if it wasn't for Eagle's screaming which Wolf claimed as 'better than Eagle's singing' and Snake just put some ear plugs and fluffy ear muffs on his ears, leaned against his bed's headboard and occasionally moved his legs to adjust to Eagle's mountaineering making this whole ordeal look like something that happened daily.

"CAUGHT IT!" Alex loudly said triumphantly and held up the boot that held the 'beast' captive. He grinned at Eagle's horrified face. It was Eagle's combat boot.

Alex took the shrew outside and let it free near the woods. On the way back to the hut he was greeted with Wolf and Walrus.

"Thanks Jag." Wolf said as he passed Alex on the way to the mess hall, clapping him on the back as he walked on. The teen's eyes had widened, you didn't hear those words very often or at all from the one and only grumpy Wolf.

Alex re-entered the hut, threw the boot back to Eagle and got fully changed into uniform whilst relying to ignore the constant whining from the oldest baby in existence.

"Eagle..." no response "Eagle... EAGLE!" Snake caught Eagle's attention "Shhhh it was just a little shrew, it meant no harm and was probably more scared of you than you were of it."

"I don't think it's possible to get more scared than Eagle did." Alex muttered. The other 2 in the room still heard and the comment did not help with the condition of Eagle. "Eagle please calm down. It's a shrew. It's tiny! You could kill it with a single step or throw of your boot." This helped calm the soldier a lot.

"Germs though!" Eagle reasoned.

"The food we get here is worse than any shrew germs." Eagle cracked a grin and skipped off to breakfast, shortly followed by Snake who had muttered something to Alex.

"Don't mention what happened, okay?"

Alex then fell back asleep fully clothed.

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