9. Languages

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The 24 minutes were coming to an end and Alex found himself jogging off the hut-47 which wasn't that far away from hut-11. When he got there, he slid inside and sat near the back of the room so he had a full view of the door, yet also everywhere in the room including out of the windows. Slowly, the hut got full of soldiers including 2 members of K-unit (Walrus and Snake) who were taking this class (language class 3rd out of 6)

After everyone was in, giving out a few insults and sniggers to alex, the instructor walked in and up to the front of the class. Just like bloody school alex though to himself.

"Alrighty... oh we have a new soldier today." The instructor said in German "whats your name boy?!" He asked in the same language smirking, thinking Alex couldn't understand him

"I'm not new, my name is cub" Alex responded in German making the instructor wipe the smirk of his face.

"You're german?" He asked "you have a very good accent and your words are perfectly pronounced"

"No I'm not german. I just speak it fluently." Alex responded.

"Oh well then, we'll learn Spanish today." The instructor said in Spanish full well expecting the teen to not understand one bit.

"That wont make a difference I'm fluent in Spanish as well" alex smiled as he spoke in the same language as the instructor. "Sir"

The soldiers were watching in awe as their instructor (Elliott - Jaylene Olebar ) and Cub spoke in german and switched through to Spanish and now coming French

"How about French, you can't be fluent in this many languages at your age." (French)

"Sir you don't know my age, and I think you can speak as many languages as one wishes." (Also french) alex responds.

"Alright, how many languages do you know, I'm going to test you." (Latin)

"Enough to get by." (Also latin) "I speak English, of course , german, Spanish, latin, russian, dutch, welsh, italian, greek, Romanian, Catalan, Irish and nearly fluent in Japanese and my arabic is coming along" all mouths started dropping around 'russian'

"Prove it!" The instructor demanded in Japanese.

"I've already shown you my spanish, german and french. Here is Japanese though it's limited as I don't know all the words." (Japanese) alex said and then switched to Russian "I started to learn russian after it got spoken by loads of terrorist organisations and" he switched to Arabic but had a few pauses within it "arabic after that language grew" he laughed at their reactions and decided to speak Catalan "this language is only in my vocabulary since it had the word 'cat' in its title and I decided to continue it on after a while." Then, to the shock of everyone, he continued in yet another language "welsh was by far the hardest to learn, especially the longest shop name. Yeah, I decided to go full fluent in welsh as its rarely used and even helped us in WWI and WWII to communicate without the germans understanding us." (Welsh)

"Woah! Stop there! I have to go and find out new instructor, he knows more languages than me. Well done so far." And with that instructor Elliott sprinted out of the hut down to hut-46 10 meters away and came sprinting back with soldiers and John in the lead. They came into the hut. "There continue boy!"

"I really think it was unnecessary to go and get him sir." Alex started in dutch"its only thirteen languages."

Johns mouth was wide open "which languages?" He asked in Dutch.

"This is unnecessary but german, Spanish, latin, russian, dutch, welsh, italian, greek, Romanian, Catalan, Irish and nearly fluent in Japanese and my arabic is coming along"

John turned to Elliott "which ones has he said so far?"

"Spanish, latin, german, french... dutch maybe-"

"He did speak dutch just now" John confirmed.

"Catalan, though I'm not sure." Elliott stated "Cub speak Catalan right now!"

"Catalan is a nice language it has a nice accent and is very logical. Why do I have to show you I can speak these languages?" But alex went without an answer.

"He's spoken Japanese and Arabic and Welsh and I think... russian."

And it went on testing Cub the whole lesson.

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