21. Alex HATES rules and Eagle is a teacher's pet

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Alex managed to barge his way out of the infirmary an hour before nightfall, to the annoyance of the doctors. However, he had strict rules to obey. Like, stay in bed most of the day and only get up for meals, no training, no stretching, keep posture correct and if it hurts or the stitches tear, go straight back to the infirmary. And also, his least favourite rule (that was only put in place due to the doctors not trusting him)... the unit medic will check the stitches before bed, in the morning and at midday.

Alex greatly despises rules. In fact, if you give him rules... there's a 98% chance he will break them and find a way around them.

Oh, look!!! The wild Alex Rider in his natural habitat! halfway up a tree, disobeying rules and spying on his unit doing shooting practice.

The teen noticed the sun had almost disappeared for nighttime to take place and he climbed down the tree, wincing every now and then. And then jogged carefully back to his unit's hut and slipped into bed waiting for his until to come and collect him for dinner, which he would decline as he was forced to eat a massive medium-rare steak and was still bitter towards the nurse for shoving it down his throat.

Not before long, he heard some squelching of footsteps outside the hut door and then the door swung open.

"Come on Alex, food awaits!" Snake smiled at him.

"I'm fine, thanks," Alex replied and watched his team leave. He listened as the small chatter of his unit faded away.

"All the more for us!" Eagle slammed a hand onto Walrus's back, who then grunted in return.

"That's not a good thing, Eagle," Wolf said whilst rolling his eyes and grabbing Snake's hand. The couple swung their joined hands together and the unit marched to get food.

Alex sighed, he might as well just stay in bed. It was now too dark to see outside so spying could be difficult.

'maybe if I fall asleep now, Snake won't be able to check my stitches!!' Alex grinned to himself and snuggled up under the covers, trying desperately to drift off to sleep.

John sat in the corner of the mess hall, quietly eating his food. A few soldiers had been chatting to him for a while but they had left now. He watched as K-Unit walked in without Alex. It wasn't a shock since everyone but K-unit (and of course the doctors) thought Alex was still in the infirmary.

K-unit had separated around the hall. Snake with Wolf (obviously) and Walrus sat with another unit he knew but Eagle headed straight towards his favourite instructor... John smiled at Eagle. "Heyo Eddie." Eagle said as he sat down opposite John.

"Hi Eagle, hows training going?"

"Borrrringg, unless the instructor is you!"

John laughed "Are you improving your skills though?"

Eagle nodded as he shoved some disgusting food into his mouth, and them he noticed something... "Hey! how do you get tomato soup but we get this slop!"

John shrugged. "I'm too handsome, Eagle." he said in a jokingly manner. "It's actually because i claimed i was allergic to what was in that slop. They didn't bother to check my file."

"GENIUS!" Eagle exclaimed, "I'll try that next time."

"Unfortunately Eagle, you have had that meal so many times and haven't almost died whilst eating it, no one is going to believe you."

"Ugh, you have a point."

They talked for a while.

"You know, John..." Eagle started, "You're a lot kinder than any other instructor."

"Thanks, though it's probably because i haven't suffered a month of stupid soldiers yet." John replied. "How's Jaguar? He's in the infirmary isn't he?"

"I think he's ok, and he managed to get out of there somehow."

"Then why isn't Jaguar in here eating food then?"

Eagle shrugged, "I dunno, he just didn't want to have any food i suppose."

John nodded. "I don't blame him. If i had to eat that slop, i would do anything in my power not to go anywhere near it." He finished his soup and dismissed himself from the chatterbox that was Eagle.

Author's note
i hope you liked it! i'm so proud of myself for actually managing to not forget the story again 😌

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