19. Stupid boy

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AN: just saying when I read this through, my style has changed and I don't know why I wrote it this way. I wrote it as if I was watching it. Tell me if you like the style I guess...

Alex almost. almost fell off the tree. His nose stung and his vision was blurred yellow. He blinked but nothing happened, just more blurring.

Alex brought a hand up to his face. Wet and warm it came back. He felt the blood but couldn't see it. The texture told him what it was. He licked his lips and together with the metallic taste in his mouth and the stinging in his nose, he put together that his nose was... in fact bleeding. Not broken, just bleeding.

He was stuck... in a way. As he was falling, his back hit another branch, the branch being sturdy. And now we have Alex leaning backwards at a 45-degree angle, feet on one branch and higher back (technically almost shoulders). So it was only a matter of time before Alex's strength (adding on the fact that he just ran from hospital) ran out of power to support him.

(AN right now you can start to see what I meant in my first AN up top)

Now we can also add on that his back (yeah his back, the one he is leaning on) was where he had stitches put in so we can deduce that he is in a lot of pain, which is true as he is wincing.

Also, we can say I was wrong, and his strength didn't need time to give out as another paintball came flying at him.

"God what kind of terrible accuracy do they have..?" Alex whispered very quietly to himself.

No, Alex. You are wrong. They are aiming at you. Except they don't know it's you. They don't know it's not a soldier and most definitely don't know that you're injured. But you can't hear me so I'll shut up...

The paintball had hit his arm and didn't particularly hurt much but he still clutched it to his chest and tried to edge his way to the centre of the tree so he could stand upright again.

Another paintball flew up and Alex winced was once more as this time the paintball hit his back.


Alex's muscles throbbed, his back was killing him. A flashlight below flickered.

"Stupid flashlight!" a soldier groaned at the not working light source.

However, in that flicker, Alex saw two things. 1. the trail of blood his back was making along the tree branch and 2. the small branch above his head which he could use to pull himself upright.

Alex swung his arm madly above his head until he finally clasped a hand around it and with difficulty, pulled himself up to sit on a thick branch.

"COME DOWN!" the sergeant shouted again.

Alex shuffled his bottom along the branch of the tree towards the centre of it, otherwise known as the branch union or trunk.

He heard whispers below.

"It might be an intruder..."

"Looks like just a kid, they've got a small body"

"Assassin maybe."

Then a gun clocked back and Alex froze. He had to reveal himself. There was no way he could get out of this one. He stood and nearly fell but then ran.

Alex ran to the end of a branch, feeling a bullet wiz by. He leapt and landed stumbling on a branch of another tree.

"STOP!" the Sergeant shouted. but not at Alex. instead, it was at his soldiers.

The Sergeant noticed the dirty blonde hair in the moonlight. Messy as always. And it wasn't hard to realise it was Alex because no one else would dare jump off a tree and onto another tree with people shooting at him.

An Instructor stood by him. "WHAT?" It was John "What do you mean stop?!"

"CEASE FIRE!" The sergeant called out.

"What..?!" John harshly whispered to the sergeant.

"I said stop because that is our stupid MI6 agent."

Alex giggled. He was stupid... in a way.

"MI6 agent? Do you mean Jaguar? what are they doing up there during training!? They're supposed to be in the infirmary!"

The sergeant sighed "Well he does have a knack for escaping what he hates."

Alex muttered "True..."

"Well you better come down now C-  Jaguar!" his father figure called out to him.

Alex sighed and leapt from the tree, almost completely collapsing as he landed in his best-mustered super-hero pose.

The sergeant rushed to him as he saw blood. He muttered 'stupid boy' under his breath as he picked up Alex. Ignoring the protests coming from the teen.

AN: I'd like to thank y'all for all the support you have given me. I would have given up a long long time ago and am so glad i didn't and havent and probably won't until it's finished.

Remember to eat, drink and sleep. Stay strong peeps, ily <33

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