22. the meeting

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AN: you know me, I never upload, I always say I will, and I always do short chapters.

Hopefully, I'll make this chapter long!!

Hi, I'm back & I'm officially back in business.


The sergeant had asked all the instructors into a meeting to discuss the skills of the soldiers and how to help improve those skills. This was an on-and-off monthly meeting that normally is worthless.

It was after sunset when they gathered in the mess hall, it wasn't secret and they didn't care if the soldiers saw them heading there or even eavesdropped. Heck, if they could eavesdrop without being noticed then the instructors would be more proud than angry.

"It's cold." the linguistics instructor (Wole) bought up. Wole wasn't shivering or bothered by it, he was just attempting to break the awkward silence before the sergeant burst in. Luckily, he came in a few moments after with Yassen trailing behind, who almost forgot about this whole ordeal.

John's eyes widened and all of a sudden he was thinking that perhaps he should have hidden his identity a bit more than a name change. Any attempt would have probably been futile nonetheless.

Yassen noticed, of course. After years and years of training at Scorpia, he is going to notice someone who is barely even attempting to hide their identity. He is most certainly going to notice the person who instructed him. Yassen gave a sight nod to his mentor who was too stunned to do any movement back. He sat across from john at the table.

"Right'o" The sergeant began, "Time to get to business."

"business, my ass" John heard muttered beside him and struggled to keep a straight face.

"Anything anyone would like to bring to the table? Or should I just fetch the beer like normal?"

"I'm thinking our soldiers should start to learn a new language."

"Hmm ok... what language do you have in mind?" The sergeant jotted something down on a piece of paper and drew a big question mark.

"Russian. I don't speak it well but I was talking about it with Yassen earlier and he told me he was fluent in the language."

"And I'm willing to teach it," Yassen spoke up.

"We'll ask the soldiers who'll want to do it. It will be an optional course for now and maybe compulsory in the future. After all, it is great to be adept in numerous languages." The sergeant tried his best to sound formal in front of the group. "Any other ideas?"

"Better food." someone piped up, which was followed by a lot of agreements.

"Fine, I'll order you all takeaway tomorrow?"

Followed by a lot of "Sounds good." "Deal" and sounds of approval.

"Ok so now, anyone of concern that needs to be brought up?"

"Ah yes I believe there's a soldier that is in a bit of a sticky situation at home..." John allowed the sounds to be droned out as he began to think about Jaguar.

He is strange. So similar to me and yet I've never met him before. I'd remember someone like that. And the way he moves like he's expecting an ambush at any moment. Smooth skills, perfected and carried out with care. I'd like to speak to the Sergeant about him but in private of course, not now.

He turned to Yassen, who was staring at him. Inspecting each millimetre of John's face. They were staring at each other for a while.

"Hey mate, you alright?" Wole patted Yassen on the back, all formality gone, and shoved a beer under his nose. Turning to John he said, "You want one?" John held up a hand whilst shaking his head politely declining. "Don't like beer? All the more for me ey?"

Yassen held out a hand to John "What's your name?"

Without fault and clasping the hand as he did so, "Edd Maleu"

The younger of the two, tugged John towards him by his hand. "Be careful John, you're being stupid."

"OI you two! Don't start a fight!" The sergeant pointed at them.

"I was just introducing myself to the newbie, sir!" Yassen replied.

"Ah yes I forgot to mention! This my friends is Edd Maleu. He is a new instructor and highly intelligible. Probably don't cross him, it's for the best."

The meeting didn't last very long only about an hour. Wole was 'drunk' although he didn't realise the beer was non-alcoholic. The rest of the instructors looked very tired from the day's work and headed off to try and catch a wink of sleep.

John and The sergeant were left behind.

"You don't have to call me Sir all the time you know? I'm kind of relaxed about that kind of thing with instructors in private."

John hummed and they sat in silence for a while. "I was wondering..." he faded off

"Go ahead, speak your mind. I don't care."

"About Jaguar."

Jace (the sergeant) paused, halfway to taking a sip of drink. "What about him?"

"He seems... odd to me."

"Odd? How may I ask?"

"His movements, so refined and precise. Even for an agent. And he looks so young, too young to be in this kind of business."

Jace hummed "I guess so but MI6 says he's old enough."

"Do you know-"

The sergeant cut in, "No I don't know how old he is."

lie, John noticed instantly.

"But Jaguar has been here before about 2 years ago. That was at the start of when he joined MI6."

"Do you know him well?" John asked, desperately trying to find out more yet not quite knowing why he wishes to have this information.

"No, not really. Well... I do, but I don't." John tilted his head in question and Jace continued, "He's very secretive. Doesn't like anyone to know anything about him. I'd say though, that out of everyone around him, I know the most."

Jace, without realising had words rolling out of his mouth and John intently listened and stored the information in his mind. "He's been through a lot that kid." a pause. "Not a kid, but you know what I mean... He has no family now. I guess I'm like a dad to him and he's a son to me. We fit together ya know? I lost my kiddos and he lost his parents."

They fell into a small gap of silence and John found him spilling a bit about himself. "I know how you feel, I lost my child, my wife and brother. It's real tough but you get through it even though it never really seems to leave."

"Always in the back of your mind?"


More silence filled the room, an owl hooted somewhere near them.

"I thought Jaguar was your kid at first."

Jace laughed "Really?"

"Yeah, I really did. You have that father-son chemistry. You care for him a lot don't you?"

"Yes, I do." Jace sighed and rested his head in his hands, elbows propped on the table. "John?" a hum came in reply "I can't help but feel like C-Jaguar was forced into MI6. He keeps saying he wasn't but gets way too many missions for a normal agent and talks sh** about his boss all the time. Jaguar even told me that if he had the chance, he would get out of there as soon as he could."

"MI6 are the kind of people to do that. But to be honest, once you are in the job, there is no escape." John replied honestly and dismissed the stumble on Jaguar's name.


I know authors normally make up excuses like they were hit by a car, their brother got a deadly disease and their sister went to the moon so they were too busy

but my reason is just.. well let's say i got into a dark place mentally. I'm out of it now and way better and a lot more motivated.

16K IS AWESOME!! HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?? i love you each and every one of you.

Remember eat and drink, you deserve it. Get enough sleep my love, a queen/king/royal needs their beauty sleep 🤗

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