20. daad

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errrrm hi? it's been almost errm 5 months hehe...
I don't have any excuses so I won't bore you with that...
erm... I'm back 😌✌️
this fanfic has gotten so much support!! 10K OMGG!!! THAT'S EPIC!! and the average reads per chapter are around 700!!! WOAH!! ty so much, I'm sorry for forgetting this existed...


*in the infirmary*

"Cub you are stupid! Stupid!" The sergeant paced around the room after Alex had gotten his replacement stitches for his back.

Alex was not in the mood for a lecture on his health, he was feeling incredibly drowsy from blood loss and had just been force-fed a bunch of dried fruit which is good for blood replenishment. And so he zoned out until he heard no more ranting.

"Yeah yeah... dad," Alex said mockingly but the sergeant didn't even blink an eye, as if it was something normal.

"Good! now here's your classwork." A pile of paper was dumped on the table next to his bed.

"You have to be kidding me..."

The sergeant sighed, "You weren't listening earlier were you?"

"errrm no?" Alex sat up more in the infirmary bed.

"I said that since you won't be able to go back to training for a couple of days, you might as well do your classwork before MI6 chew my head off."

"alright daad!" and this time the sergeant noticed and glared.

"Now get to it, son."

*with john*

John watched as the sergeant carried Alex back to the infirmary. and began to think. that kid is as stupid as I was when I was his age. how old even is he? it's not in his file...

He then crept after the sergeant and Alex using his spy skills. He perched himself in a tree and looked through the window to the room Alex was assigned. John knew how to read lips.

and read "yeah yeah... dad." from Alex's lips. dad? the sergeant has a son? John had only been looking at the mouth and not the eyes, if he was then he would have noticed the exaggerated roll of Alex's eyes.

John couldn't read the sergeant's mouth as his back was to John so all John saw was papers and books being placed next to Alex. A shake of the dirty blonde's head and "Alight, dad." are they really father and son? they don't look alike... adopted maybe? Jaguar even looks more like me than his dad!

(AN: John you are a spy and thus have high intelligence levels... and you haven't still noticed your own kid 🤦)

the sergeant left the room and John decided it was time to at least try to get some sleep as it was 2 am and he had to get up at 5 am. He lay in bed that morning with a small feeling. that small pull he felt when he first met Alex. A sort of nudge in the back of his head that makes him want to cuddle Alex and protect him.

*4:12 am*
*in the infirmary with Alex*

"I'M FINE!" Alex shouted. He had been woken by a doctor because he was shaking in the bed and the doc was worried the stitches would be torn. And now, they're arguing over if Alex can go back to training.

"You're not fine!" the doctor told him. "Your stitches won't hold! You won't have proper movement and you'll be in pain constantly!" Alex then tried to interrupt but the doctor was not in the mood for this. "AND you have lost quite a lot of blood so you will get dizzy super fast, get quickly out of breath and more than likely faint!!"

The arguing continued and at 4:30 a nurse entered with some food. A medium-rare steak? Alex looked at the clock and pondered in his head... STEAK AT 4:30 AM??

"To help your heart quickly replenish blood."

"It's 4:30!!" Alex spoke his thoughts.

"and YOU need your heart to produce more blood than normal!"

Alex rolled his eyes "IM FINE! I'VE ALREADY SAID THAT!"

the doctor sighed and decided a compromise was best. "I'll let you out of the infirmary tomorrow" Alex grinned. "IF you stop arguing and take care of the movement and pressure you place on that certain place on your back!"

"FINE! but I'm not eating a steak at 4 am!"

"Yes, it's weird. But you need to, hun." the nurse said. Alex winced at being called 'hun' it just sounded weird.

Alex had never really liked food, though he adored drinks. So he glared at the plate of steak and a side of spinach that sat on the bed table that was placed over him.

Not only did he hate food but he never normally had it. And never got food on a mission (apart from the very rare occasions). His lack of food lead to his stomach being used to less and cannot tolerate large amounts of food.

"You are not forcing me to eat steak!"

"Yes, we are!"

"Fine, then I'm a vegetarian!"

and the arguing continued... (Alex lost)

AN: aaaand that's all u can be bothered to write for now :) I will write more tomorrow unless I procrastinate again...
tho I will try to maintain a steady upload schedule and also get back to writing my other fanfics :D

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