25. I'M ALEX

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AN: please excuse the language, i couldn't think of what to write for angry scenes. it is censored tho :)

As if to confirm Alex's suspicions, "Sorry I've forgotten your son's name?" The sergeant played the game of 'I totally haven't been talking to him for the past year and a half.'

"His name is Alex, but I always called him cub because he was like a mini me. A mini Jaguar."

Alex shook and his hand clasped over his mouth. Without thinking, he slid onto the branch below, and then the next one and the next until he was just above the 2 adults.

John spun around, feeling someone watching him very closely and Jace followed his actions confused. However, they didn't look up.

Alex jumped and landed harshly, his eyes glistened with tears and his hands, which were balled in a fist, shook in anger.

Jace gasped.

Alex jumped forwards and knocked over his father, he gripped onto the adult's collar and did not let go.

"WHA-" John shouted in shock. "JAGUAR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"ALE-" Jace started before realising. "Sh!t."

"Alex...?" John stared up into the brown eyes inches from his face. He scanned the boy's expression and noticed he was quivering, scared and angry.

"HOW F***ING DARE YOU!" Alex screamed at the man. "HOW. DARE. YOU."

"Who are you?" John asked, in a glimmer of hope it wasn't who it obviously was.

"I'M ALEX YOU PIECE OF S***!" Alex jumped off of John as a hand rested on his back, trying to force him into a hug. "NO!" his voice cracked, "no."


"Don't call me that!" Alex stumbled back, refusing to look at his father's face. "You... you have no right. No right at all." The sergeant stepped towards him and reached out to his arm to show comfort, "GET OFF ME!"

"Ok ok!" Jace slowly backed away from the broken teenager.

"WHAT THE F***, LYNX!" John shouted and turned on his friend, "YOU LET HIM INTO THE SAS! AT FIFTEEN!"

"I-" the sergeant began.

"You have no say." Alex mumbled loud enough for them to hear and then repeated himself, "You have NO SAY IN MY LIFE! I may be your child but you are not my father."

John made a step forwards, "Of course I am! I helped birth you! I am your father, Alex!"

"Not to me. No..." tears streamed down his face 'he didn't come back for me. He left me. He is no father of mine. I needed saving and I was lost... I am lost. He is not my father.' He croaked out in a raised voice, "NO!"

The father was unsure of what to do, he moved forwards again, arms out ready to give a hug. Alex sniffled, his face in his hands and harshly wiping away the tears as they appeared. He didn't want to show weakness.

Arms wrapped around him and Alex jerked from side to side feeling trapped. He tried to push John away but was just captured more tightly. "Shhh. Shhhhhh, it's alright." John muttered into the top of Alex's head which was forcefully tucked into his father's neck.

Alex hissed, stomped on John's foot and tried to get the arms off of him but failed.

"Let go of him." The sergeant demanded. "He doesn't want it! CAN'T YOU SEE?!" But his friend still held on to his child firmly.

"Please let me go!" The teenager said through his gritted teeth and this time he was obeyed. Alex quickly stumbled backwards and fell against the tree behind him, that he climbed up not so long ago. "You are sick! SICK!"



A flock of birds flew off. Something in this moment Alex wanted nothing more to do was to be able to fly away with them and disappear, so he ran. And so did John.

His combat boots rubbed harshly against his feet as he ran, blisters were threatening to form but he didn't care. Alex could hear the pounding of a pair of feet behind him, he dare not turn around as it would slow him down (even if it would only take a second to do so).

The teenage spy could run for a long long time, especially in life-dangering situations. However, this time he ran quicker and more agile. John was sprinting as fast as he could and cursed his son for being equally as speedy.

A branch whipped at his cheek as Alex ran, slicing it open. Blood gathered and flew from his face as he darted about.

To stop running, to sit down and collapse, would be a blessing. To watch the blood stream from his face into his hands just like tears but his putting anger into more than just clear water droplets.

Alex wouldn't allow himself to stop. To him, anything would be better than having to confront his dad face to face again. Having to listen to excuses and sorrowful words would be worse than torture to his uncomforted inner child.

John wanted the opposite, he wanted nothing more than to hug his child forever and plead for forgiveness and never stop the words of sorry from pouring out of his mouth.

The man had forgotten that his son was no longer a child, no longer a sweet baby to coo at and build a safe bubble around to protect.

They ran on.

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