48. Unspoken Confessions

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Wishing a very happy birthday to one of my dearest , amazing  and now 'non-teen' friend Narbhi_Love Stay happy, stay blessed and stay corona-free (the greatest blessing one can give you during these times) Keep cheeling like the couple both of us admire. By the way I never said, but thanks for recommending me the show else I would be deprived of amazing chemistry between Sharad-Surbhi. 


Had it not been your own company, there were legal repercussions of presenting false information to a board member like this.

The threat Shivaay passed as a hint resonated in her mind for minutes to come. Did Shivaay feel the same way when she talked about him being dead if her Dad was alive? Perhaps worse since her words were more hurtful than his. She closed her eyes, being scared of the happenings around her. Last time he made a mistake, this time she did. But both times, both of them were equally hurt. She sat on her knees, rested her head on the edge of the bed, thinking about how to come out of the grief that enveloped her around itself.

She felt the duvet getting stained due to her tears. They did not take the name to stop. She asked her mind the reason for these tears manifold to not find a single desirable answer. Unlike earlier, she avoided running after Shivaay given he wanted time and space. The weight in her heart was nevertheless the same. She refused to analyze how the situation could get better and stayed in grief of being rejected on the very day she learned it was love from her side.


He doubted. He doubted if it was always the poor who would cheat or the rich could be equally responsible. Based on what Annika taught him today, he found his doubts to be true. Dev, Priyanka and Annika, all three were liars. He had always been right. Annika refused to believe him and got influenced by Dev like Priyanka had earlier, that's what he believed.

He released his palm from a fist after a long time. The movement felt like he was venting his anger out. This time without screaming, breaking gadgets or holding someone tightly.

It was shocking how he had no mood to yell at someone or break things. Didn't he do all these things when he was angry? He believed he was angry now as well. Yet he felt like doing nothing he would usually do to cope up with his anger.

"Bhaiya," he turned back to find Rudra. He straightened his face not wanting to worry Rudra with Priyanka and Annika's deeds.


"Are you sad?" Rudra asked innocently.

"No," he lied more to himself than to Rudra, "Why were you here?"

"I think you are sad. Look at your eyes, long face and closed fist," Rudra pointed out. Shivaay took a note of how his palms were clenched in fists yet again.

"Why are you here?" he repeated, ignoring Rudra's observations.

"Dinner. Everyone is waiting for you," he replied.

Shivaay nodded and turned to walk to the dining room.

"By the way are you and Bhabhi fighting?" Rudra asked.

Shivaay's head shot up hearing the question, "No, why?"

"When calling us for dinner, Dadi asked Bhabhi to call you as you were not close by. She strategically passed on the responsibility to me. That's why I thought," Rudra answered.

"Nothing like that," he lied again, "Let's go." He was glad Annika didn't come. Deep down he realized that she knew he won't have dinner at her calls, so she avoided coming altogether.

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