71. Fire on Fire (iii)

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Shivaay kicked the door open and led her inside the room. His lips didn't leave hers for a second. The night was short and there was much more to explore. More places to touch and more places to kiss. He threw her on the bed and hovered over her. He stopped devouring her lips and attacked her neck. There was a need for his lips to touch one part of her body at all times.

She looked at their reflection in the mirror. She could now not only feel but also see her swollen lips. He left hickeys all over her body. Her cleave turned a deep shade of purple. She couldn't see the rest of her body but she knew they would meet the same fate by the end of the night. She hugged him tightly, caressed his hair, and let him dance her body to his tunes.

Shivaay raised his head and took her in another deep kiss. Her energy was waning but passion persisted as she kissed him with equal desire. They couldn't get enough of each other's lips. A small moment apart seemed equal to torment. He was numb for a moment. His knowledge of sex came from erotica and porn. He couldn't decide the pace. He was unsure where to start and where to stop. He rolled them over the bed and Annika was on top of him. Being pressed by his woman brought immense pleasure to Shivaay. He pulled her hair back. They blocked his view. He decided to let her take the lead for some time.

Annika was caught off guard. With herself on top, she didn't know how to lead. She leaned closer and kissed him. He pulled her gown in an attempt to get rid of it. They both wanted the gown off of her body.

Breaking the kiss, she raised her arm and he slipped it out of her head. She looked sexier with the outline of her boobs visible. Her hair was long enough to cover her nipples but short enough to give him a peek of her bosom. He placed his two palms on the side of each boob and gave them a soft squeeze. He could feel her juices spilling on his chest and he knew she was more excited. He couldn't wait for her to cum again.

He reached his thumb fingers to rest on her nipples above her hair. He lightly pressed her boobs. She gasped in surprise. He took his hand back. He reminded himself to go very slow with her. She sat on his stomach and began to massage his shoulders. Shivaay smiled at her to ease her worry. He took her right hand that was massaging him and placed a loving kiss there. She hid her blush and continued massaging his shoulders.

She slid down his stomach and massaged his chest. It was not meant to make him comfortable but for her to get used to touching him sexually. Their eye contact made her nervous. He bent his knees. Annika was shocked feeling something hard hit her ass. Both of them knew what it was. He smiled seeing a red hue form on her cheeks. If she was still shy, how would they continue further?

He rolled them over the bed and came on top of her again. Annika breathed in relief. She learned that she preferred being submissive over a leader in matters of sex. She slid her arms behind his back. He kissed her cheeks followed by her forehead. She felt his little friend near her femininity. She could tell he did so on purpose. She wanted to lock her thighs together but soon realized he placed his leg between her legs.

She glanced at the clock showing midnight. Their relationship turned six months old. Her lips brushed past his shoulder blade. He was sweating. The tension lines on his forehead were visible up close. She realized it was his first time too. She was not the only one nervous. He was too. She just made it more obvious while he could cover up his emotions. She placed a kiss on his shoulder, followed by a series of kisses near his heart. She could feel him smile. Her hands roamed all over his back. Her lips captured his at every chance she got. Her nipple brushed past his manly chest.

She could feel pleasure build through her body. She was adjusting to this new feeling. Their eyes met. He entered his two digits inside her pussy and was met by her warm orgasm. This was just the beginning, he promised himself and her. He couldn't let their inexperience take the joy out of coupling. She would lose count of times she orgasmed by the morning.

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