58. A Marriage of Convenience?

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Annika grabbed Shivaay's hands tightly under the table. Right across them sat a famous journalist Ms. Karmarkar. She had attended numerous mock interviews at Oxford. She gave an interview when she applied to go to that school and passed as well. She was prepared. But she was not experienced. Shivaay had also pampered her too much in their company in terms of workload and public relations. She couldn't help but be nervous as she sat right across a journalist waiting to begin her first public interview.

"It's going to be fine," he squeezed her hand assuringly. Annika took a deep breath. Only if he appreciated the idea of Annika interning for someone else before coming to work on her own company. Only if she revolted against him and hunt for a job herself. Annika reluctantly blamed herself. It was her fault than his. He had no control over her life. She did.

She pitied herself again. Having experience would make it much easier. She would at least be prepared to answer questions. She made a note to talk to Shivaay about letting her lose at times. His protective nature couldn't be employed in all cases for her own sake.

"Good morning, today with us we have Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi, the CEO of Oberoi Industries, acting CEO of Kabeer Industries, and his wife Mrs. Annika Singh Oberoi, Oxford graduate and heiress to Kabeer Industries," the journalist spoke. Annika recalled Shivaay saying it was going to be a live chat. She took another deep breath assuring herself that she could do it.

"Thank you," Shivaay replied on their behalf, "It is our pleasure to share bits of our experiences with you." He tugged on Annika's arm and she smiled. The same fake smile she earned a doctorate by now to deceive paparazzi.

"To begin with, how did you guys get married? Was it an arranged marriage or a love marriage?"

Shivaay looked in Annika's direction before replying, "It was an arranged marriage. We met through her father, liked each other, it was a yes, and here we are." Annika stared at him searching for any sign of a lie on his face. Now that she looked back, she didn't know if it was indeed a proper arranged marriage. Arranged marriages in India were decided by families of both sides. Here, it was just her Dad and Shivaay. If she were to believe Rudra, they did not know until Shivaay decided to let them know. No wonder Kalyani used to vent her frustration on Annika during the initial days of her married life.

Her bubbling frustration came in the form of the next question, "Are the family members happy with it?"

"Of course they are," to Annika, it was a lie, "After all we didn't run away to a temple and got married. We had a very intimate wedding ceremony with all the rituals and each and every member of our families was present." Annika sighed listening to his answer. Didn't he know half of her relatives back in Punjab didn't come because they were angry at her father for marrying an outcast twenty-six years back?

"According to our reports, the elder Mrs. Oberoi was looking for a bride for you since a year ago. Believing what you told us, your marriage with Mrs. Annika happened with only Mr. Harsh Vardhan Kabeer's consent—"

"Well no, the marriage happened with both of our consent too," he interrupted sounding clearly annoyed.

Anya laughed. An embarrassed one. "Well, of course. But did Mrs. Kalyani Oberoi reluctantly agree to this or she gave you both her blessings?"

Annika recalled her first day at Oberoi Mansion when both of them squatted down to touch her feet and she blessed only Shivaay.

"My Dadi loves me a lot. She is happy if I am happy," Shivaay replied, "And my happiness is this," he showed Anya their entwined hands.

"Aha! You denied when I asked if it was a love marriage," Anya said.

"Does it take much time?" Shivaay's question was enough of an answer. Annika's face fell. She knew he didn't believe in love. However, she did. She loved him a lot. He didn't need to lie and hurt her albeit he did so unknowingly.

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